New Nintendo 3DS Software Trailer - Zelda, Star Fox, Resident Evil and Tales

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Some of those games look great. For one thing I wish they'd release more Tales games here (of the Abyss looks awesome).

Also, even though I've never read or watched One Piece, I think I might get into it now, the game looks interesting.

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NNID: Stulaw

Tales of the Abyss is apparently going to be released in the US if this picture from the latest issue of Nintendo Power is to be believed.

Sadly, there hasn't been a word on an European release yet and my hopes aren't really high considering that the original on the PS2 was only localised for the US as well. Smilie

Our member of the week

Mmh considering that every tales released in America for a Nintendo system got released here (yeah I know, that's just TWO of them XD, Symphonia and Phantasia), maybe we'll be treated to the same thing Smilie. If that's not the case, I'll curse Nintendo till the end of time for region-locking their console Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

i noticed that they didnt show a single Mario game. Did they just forget about a few of the best games for the 3ds?

Squeakmaster said:
i noticed that they didnt show a single Mario game. Did they just forget about a few of the best games for the 3ds?

They obviously won't show anything (new) of games that they plan to reveal at E3 in June in a software lineup trailer for April. Smilie

they already have zelda videos that were put in here. why didnt they do the same thing with Mario Kart then. that game has videos already out

Squeakmaster said:
they already have zelda videos that were put in here. why didnt they do the same thing with Mario Kart then. that game has videos already out

True, we've seen footage of it already but it's not going to be out until the end of this year anyways so why show it in a trailer that covers the lineup for the coming months?

Solar looks amazing. Stop teasing me now.


Lylat Wars is looking fantastic. The lava on Solar just looks incredible.

thats a damn shame. they're gonna make a brotha wait all the way until the end of the year for Mario Kart 3d. i sure hope Zelda and the new update will make it last

This makes me excited. Sexually.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Star Fox looks great

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Boobie physics at 2:10 Smilie

Really would like to see Tales of the Abyss here. I've never played one before. Also, Layton needs to hurry himself up and get a western release. Call yourself a genius man?

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Star Fox looks great...but where's Paper Mario? Smilie

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

GreythaGreat said:
Star Fox looks great...but where's Paper Mario? Smilie

I think this is just for the current and near future titles (Q1/Q2), so I wouldn't worry about Paper Mario. Kid Icarus isn't even on here.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

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