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It's a damn good price certainly, but the software isn't there yet to justify it for most people. I have a good feeling about May's firmware update though. Smilie

I should get my Uni money next week as well Smilie, but still, I might hold back since there isn't any games I fancy yet. But it's good to see stores doing the right thing.

( Edited 20.04.2011 21:39 by Stulaw )

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Stulaw said:
I should get my Uni money next week as well Smilie, but still, I might hold back since there isn't any games I fancy yet. But it's good to see stores doing the right thing.

I'd say wait for a few more good games to come out before you buy one. You might be able to snag some decent bundles from certain places.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Just seen this on Twitter. Sucks that they dropped it already by �£20 for me Smilie

Bring on the firmware update!


Phoenixus said:
... I have a good feeling about May's firmware update though. Smilie

me too Smilie

I got mine for that price.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
Our member of the week

Got mine for just about that price too Smilie.

Same here, excited about the May update, especially if 3DS game demos are part of it Smilie. I hope so Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Damn I shouldn't have dived in at launch. Traded in SSFIV and just 3*'d Pilotwings, so now there's nothing until Zelda ¬¬

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

It can go the other way around just as well. I got my 3DS off for €222 at launch, now it's at €240. Smilie Quite expensive compared to the UK since that's around 210 pounds.

Half tempted by 180, but might just wait to see the Zelda bundles. I'd get one if I could get the 3DS+Zelda for 180.

Blade27 (guest) 21.04.2011#11

Ah nuts! I've been waiting for the price to drop for ages!! On Tuesday it dropped from �£197 to �£189.99 on Amazon so I decided to order it.

If I'd waited just 48 hours longer I could have saved another �£10. Oh well... Smilie

I've also ordered PES 2011 3DS and Pilotwings 3DS. I'm really looking forward to giving them a go.

I know what people mean about the lack of games though. I don't think we'll see the true potential of the 3DS until the May firmware update and the release of Zelda and Starfox though.

I'm going to be getting mine next month all going well. I'm taking legal action against Haringey Council and have a court date for 17th May...the gits owe me over �£2500 Smilie

As soon as I get what I'm owed I'm getting myself a 3DS, SSFIV, Pro Evo 3D and Ridge Racer 3D. And I'll be jumping on Ocarina of Time and Resident Evil Mercenaries as soon as they're released too! Smilie

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