I think it's weird to have such a precise presumed release date like the 26th... Like you would think it would be something like "Q3 2011" or something like that.
( Edited 11.04.2011 12:05 by Giluc )
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I think it's weird to have such a precise presumed release date like the 26th... Like you would think it would be something like "Q3 2011" or something like that.
( Edited 11.04.2011 12:05 by Giluc )
Meh, retailers always put up false release dates, for whatever reason. ShopTo have Final Fantasy XIII-2 down for September 9th 2011, when the only official date Square Enix have given is Winter.
It doesn't seem unreasonable to think Zelda might come out around September, but I wouldn't bank on this being 100% accurate.
Wait for e3 to be honest, surely will have a release date then. I'm still not convinced by this game just yet.
I am really, really worried about this game.
I've been dying for this game. I doubt the real release dat will be far off though, which is a real shame 'cause I'll be away for the year and won;t be able to play it until the September after! Damn!
There's no way. Games in America come out on Tuesdays, or, if they're a particularly massive franchise like Pokémon, they come out on Sunday. Every great once in a while, a game will come out on Friday. But September 26th is a Monday. Never seen a game come out on Monday before.
Edit: My mistake (and yours, C3!) That site lists the game coming out on the 25th, not the 26th. The 25th of September is a Sunday.
I'd still think they'd go for a date later after e3, but it sounds reasonable enough.
( Edited 11.04.2011 17:05 by justonesp00lturn )
I agree with Jools, a big game like this, especially Zelda will be a Sunday, GUARANTEED. I do predict a November/December release. Bare in mind Zelda 3DS is out before summer so Nintendo would need a cooling off time before the new Zelda.
I, too, was expecting a later fall release, but a September release wouldn't surprise me either. Retailers historically are not a good source of release dates, though.
I don't think that this is even worthy of a news post. Retailers usually don't know more than any of us regarding release dates of games, especially games like Skyward Sword.
@Canyarion: I'd be really, really worried about this game too if the entire game was about combat but this is Zelda after all and we haven't seen anything of the world or anything else so far. Pretty much all things we saw in that last "trailer" could have just as well happened in the E3 demo area. Here's hoping that they pull out everything at E3 in June because even though I'm very patient, the wait really is getting close to unbearable at this point.
God forbid those slant-eyed nips at Nintendo do something on time.