I still can't comprehend how people can believe anything that's written in tabloids.
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I still can't comprehend how people can believe anything that's written in tabloids.
I wonder how long it will take the Mail to claim it causes Cancer?
I heard the 3DS causes your eye muscles to tie into a knot inside your skull
Anyone here have gotten dizziness or headaches from the 3d effect? I played SSF4 for an hour the other day and I didn't feel sick or anything xD Glad I can enjoy it without getting headaches.
Lrrr said:
I wonder how long it will take the Mail to claim it causes Cancer?
Seriously though, the amount of people that read the Sun is scary.
Lrrr said:
I wonder how long it will take the Mail to claim it causes Cancer?
The 3D did give me eye strain the first time I played SSFIV 3D, but now when I play any 3D game.. it just feels normal.
The first time I played the 3DS it left me feeling pretty uncomfortable, to say the least. The next time I played it, however, I was fine. I think it just takes getting used to.
The Sun story is sensationalist tripe though. This shouldn't be shocking to anyone. 3D has been causing issues for some people for years now. This isn't anything new.
( Edited 06.04.2011 15:41 by Jacob4000 )
I've experienced major discomfort, sickness and dizziness reading various tabloids in the past. Can I write a report about how they are dangerous for everyone's health now?
I'll be extra careful when my 3DS arrives in the mail that I don't fall down the stairs and break my neck to sign for the mail. YOUNG MAN DIES OVER 3DS and all that.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
I had a headache and eyestrain after trying out a 3DS at the touring demo stations. Since I got my 3DS though, I've had no problems what so ever. Even when it's on the strongest 3D effect.
I'm not quite sure why this is. I was very tired at the time I first tried one. I also think the fact that the demos were in a very bright area with strong reflections on the screen made it harder for me to focus properly on it.
But everything has been fine since I got mine.
This is bullsh*t. People are ignorant or just plain lazy and don't read the safety precautions pamphlet. Or even the operations manual. The whole reason why the 3D effect is adjustable is because everybody's eyes perform differently. This is all explained in detail. Freak'n idiots...
I play my 3DS for hours on end using the 3D function and I haven't had any problems with eyestrain or headaches.
( Edited 05.04.2011 18:51 by MechaG2 )
I didn't feel dizzy while playing with my friend's 3DS, but after an hour or so of Pilotwings, + messing with some of the built in apps, my eyes were a bit tired and a break was necessary.
It's actually made me feel a bit ill, but my eyes have been bad lately so I'm blaming it on that. I'm not making a judgment until the summer when I can play Zelda extensively, because SSFIV just doesn't hold my attention long-term.
Even if I don't get on with the 3D I won't be returning it. If treated like a DS2 it's still great. You come for the 3D and stay for the rest.
So far nothing of the likes. Maybe we are all just different. I mean 3D isn't exactly an everyday thing. I play with the little machine plenty and nothing wrong here. Even with a slight fever... Or did the 3DS give me fever?
SirLink said:
I still can't comprehend how people can believe anything that's written in tabloids.
To be fair, I can't comprehend why anyone thinks a large multi-national corporation is going to be genuinely honest about any product it sells. Of course Nintendo aren't going to turn around and say anything like "Yeah, it does make some people ill".
They are a business, and therefore, are not to be trusted in anything they say. Being honest about negative sides of your product is not in your remit as a business, unless your product is medicinal in nature. Tabloids are not to be trusted because they too are businesses. They will print any old shit that they think makes their rag sell.
Incidentally, I don't think printing articles about computer games sells tabloids. People who read tabloids have real lives with jobs etc. They don't play or care about computer games.
Martin_ said:
To be fair, I can't comprehend why anyone thinks a large multi-national corporation is going to be genuinely honest about any product it sells. Of course Nintendo aren't going to turn around and say anything like "Yeah, it does make some people ill".They are a business, and therefore, are not to be trusted in anything they say. Being honest about negative sides of your product is not in your remit as a business, unless your product is medicinal in nature. Tabloids are not to be trusted because they too are businesses. They will print any old shit that they think makes their rag sell.
Incidentally, I don't think printing articles about computer games sells tabloids. People who read tabloids have real lives with jobs etc. They don't play or care about computer games.
When I first got my 3DS it gave me a bit of a headache (though I was tired), but now I'm completely used to it. Initially though my eyes got used to looking at stereoscopic images and tried to do it with regular computer screens and words kinda 'floated' as they where searching for a sweet spot, but I've gotten used to it and I can separate out each type of screen lol.
The Sun chats crap. End of. Whats next, the Daily Sport?
Lol, I've seen someone else say the same thing when looking at a normal screen...sounds trippy
I tried a 3DS for the first time the other day and was fine. Only needed the 3D slider at around 20% too so I should get a decent bit of battery life out of it when I get one. Seeing the 3D effect for the first time is a real jaw dropping moment, I'm now convinced that those 3DS adverts are genuine reactions from real people. I'm getting one as soon as I can afford one.
As for the subject matter I'd love Nintendo to sue The Sun for libel, but I suspect The Sun to issue a front page apology before that happens.
I've just been finding it hilarious, since there's no way I can take it seriously.
Omg Just got my Nintendo 3DS just over two weeks ago and it is awsome I had to a lot of saving but it so worth love it I got super stret fighter 3D for it man the game really rock I got my 3Ds on the launch date that was sunday march 27 the AR games are cool anyone dose have a 3ds should get one trust me it is so worth it ok bye now