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I wonder if that Jesture like guy is gonna be a villian or have more of a Shiek like roll. Looks good & I like how puzzles will be used with motion plus!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I really want to fight that 4-armed Stalfos right NOW! Smilie All that gameplay looks like so much fun! <3

Interesting to see that Link's first sword this time is actually shorter than the Skyward Sword. Makes you feel much more badass when you finally get it and upgrade. Smilie

( Edited 02.03.2011 20:22 by SirLink )

I really want to love that trailer, but Nintendo is making it hard. Most of that stuff looks so old and familiar.

And the noises Link makes are aweful.

I thought it looked pretty fresh in terms of puzzles, due to the Motion-Plus capabilities. Fighting enemies looked a lot more strategic, as well.

The music was a nice touch and it was orchestrated, so let's hope the full game will be.

I don't feel the same amount of excitement as I got from the Twilight Princess trailers, but I'm still excited about this and we've still hardly seen anything, in terms of story.

I can't wait to play this. The art in TP was disappointing, but otherwise it was a great game. I'm sure this will be much better- like Wind Waker combined with Twilight Princess.

About time we saw Majora's original form. Smilie

Canyarion said:
I really want to love that trailer, but Nintendo is making it hard. Most of that stuff looks so old and familiar.

I felt the same to be honest, it all looked like it had been done before in some shape or manner.

PMD said:
I'm sure this will be much better- like Wind Waker combined with Twilight Princess.

This is my first time seeing the game in motion and that's exactly what I thought when I looked at it WW + TP = SS

Phoenixus said:
About time we saw Majora's original form. Smilie

I was about to say, I swear I saw the skull kid at about 0.32-34 when link was aiming with the beetle thing.

The trailer looks a bit pale, probably just youtube.

Great Poe (guest) 02.03.2011#9

Ss Looks different to TP but very dull at the same time.... don't like the music either....

Magud (guest) 02.03.2011#10

That's Link's Dad, Chain. You saw it here first!

Our member of the week

Marzy said:
we've still hardly seen anything, in terms of story.

We've hardly seen anything about the game. Period. All we've seen was fighting footage. Where's the vast game world ? Where's the story ? Where are the NPCs ? It's like all there is to the game is sword fighting. I hope we get to see more than that soon.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:

We've hardly seen anything about the game. Period. All we've seen was fighting footage. Where's the vast game world ? Where's the story ? Where are the NPCs ? It's like all there is to the game is sword fighting. I hope we get to see more than that soon.

Indeed. They are really putting all their focus on the sword combat, rightly so because Motion Plus really needs to be heavily promoted and used. I guess that's working out pretty well for them so far. Maybe it's just me but I think that those types of random gameplay videos actually create the least amount of hype, which is exactly what they're going for this time.

If they had made an incredibly polished cinematic reveal trailer for last year's E3, you can bet that things would look quite different right now, even with the graphical style it has.

Doesn't show an awful lot does it? There's something to be said about polished, cinematic, pant-wettingly beautiful trailers, because a lot of the time gameplay looks kinda boring when watched at a low resolution.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

It looks very...Zelda-ish (and that's a bad thing, haven't traditional Zelda games been done enough times now?)

Laj1592 (guest) 03.03.2011#15

It looks friggin sweet and I'm very excited and anxious. Can't wait for the release hope no more delays
Hmm, IGN suggests that the unknown character is Vaati. Interesting

( Edited 03.03.2011 04:59 by bornforthis43 )

I'm amazed at how much hate I'm seeing on this game around the internet right now...Smilie With hate I don't mean people saying they personally don't like it or aren't excited, I mean people saying that Skyward Sword fucking sucks(what a bold statement to make given how much we actually know right now, which is nothing) or should have never been made and hurts the reputation of the Zelda franchise. Of course, there are also the people going nuts over the graphics as usual.

Just gotta love those people judging the final graphics of a game based on a streamed, low quality 1 minute gameplay trailer. Smilie

Hm, this trailer made me dream about Zelda last night. Apparently I started playing Spirit Tracks, which was of course not the same game it is in real life.

I think zelda is one of those games that some gamers expected would grow a dark maturity to match their older tastes as they grew.
I think they are frustrated that in their eyes its stalling.
I have no problem with the graphics at the moment but I think they will grow tired quickly unlike windwakers visuals. I think the combat mechanics look really impressive.

My fear is that they wont push certain concepts enough. For example that skeleton at the end of the trailer with four arms could prove to be a very difficult enemy to defeat. But knowing nintendo he will have a very simple pattern interwined into his AI and it will be more of a battle of pattern watching then wit.
Already you can see in that fight that as he draws back to strike he takes an eternity, side step it then counter. Its really outdated.

This kind of trailer would have had far more impact back in 07 when motion was new. Most people are just seeing wii resort with a purpose. Its a good thing but its not new so its harder to get excited. A trailer focused on story would be better.

Mostly I havent been that impressed with the last two Zeldas. Wind waker was by far the weakest in the series. 4 dungeon and endless ocean to explore. It really highlighted the weaknessess of the series. Side quests that reward you with rupees really stick out when your travelling endless ocean that cant do anything but look the same. THe most boring fetch quest. FOURS DUNGEONS!!

( Edited 03.03.2011 11:00 by meeto_0 )

meeto_0 said:
I think zelda is one of those games that some gamers expected would grow a dark maturity to match their older tastes as they grew.
I think they are frustrated that in their eyes its stalling.
I have no problem with the graphics at the moment but I think they will grow tired quickly unlike windwakers visuals. I think the combat mechanics look really impressive.

My fear is that they wont push certain concepts enough. For example that skeleton at the end of the trailer with four arms could prove to be a very difficult enemy to defeat. But knowing nintendo he will have a very simple pattern interwined into his AI and it will be more of a battle of pattern watching then wit.
Already you can see in that fight that as he draws back to strike he takes an eternity, side step it then counter. Its really outdated.

This kind of trailer would have had far more impact back in 07 when motion was new. Most people are just seeing wii resort with a purpose. Its a good thing but its not new so its harder to get excited. A trailer focused on story would be better.

Mostly I havent been that impressed with the last two Zeldas. Wind waker was by far the weakest in the series. 4 dungeon and endless ocean to explore. It really highlighted the weaknessess of the series. Side quests that reward you with rupees really stick out when your travelling endless ocean that cant do anything but look the same. THe most boring fetch quest. FOURS DUNGEONS!!

A trailer focused on story would certainly be better, but for only one thing, and that is hype, which is exactly what they want to avoid after Twilight Princess. Guess why they've waited over 8 months before giving us a new trailer or even anything new on the game.

Four dungeons? Obviously there wasn't one for the third pearl but you're still being pretty conservative with your definition of dungeon right there and even then, you still forgot one. There was one on Dragon Roost Island, Forest Heaven, the Tower of Gods, and both the Earth and Wind Temple. That's 5! REAL dungeons right there. Some people consider the Forsaken Fortress a dungeon too, so it's 6 for some(including me) too.

( Edited 03.03.2011 11:51 by SirLink )

I adore WW to bits but that's where my disappointments come too - there weren't enough dungeons (of which there were more than 4, but still not enough Smilie), it was far too easy, and it just wasn't long enough (maybe the dungeons contributed to that though). However, the story and character interaction was brilliant. It picked up where Majora's Mask left off in terms of every character having a personality that would change throughout the game. You could really get to know some people and have fun in solving their individual problems/side quests. But yes, some rewards were lacking. The freedom was beautiful on the ocean - not done before in Zelda, and it was great discovering new islands and seeing what was there. Shame some were pointless islands, or just not big enough. We needed some large land to explore too.

WW isn't without it's downfalls, but it's still one of the best Zeldas in my eyes. I just wish Nintendo would do a sequel - everything WW had but bigger and better with the improvements it needed. Don't forget, MM only had 4 main dungeons too, but that's my favourite Zelda game. It had great NPC interaction and tons of exploration and stuff to do in-between the dungeons in order to open them up.

TP went backwards a little bit because the NPC interaction was much poorer and had bearly any sidequests or minigames. Plenty of dungeons and decent story, but once it was done, it was done. It was just one dungeon after the other, which got too samey.

On Skyward Sword - it's hard to form an opinion just yet, but I haven't got hyped from any of these trailers. I was more excited bout Metroid Other M than SS when they revealed those games, and with this latest trailer, it doesn't show much that looks exciting. I'm sure it will be good just because it's Zelda, but I really hope the stuff we haven't seen is going to be on par with MM, WW or the Oracles, because I need all of that out-of-dungeon goodness like the interaction and sidequests and minigames etc.

a) Personaly I think this looks absolutely great. The swordplay/puzzles look actualy skillfull = good.

b) Yes, as a trailer its terrible. But is it even suppossed to be a trailer? Its completely combat based, the music doesn't seem cut right, and the contrast is terrible. I think its just "more video from the game" rather then a trailer.

c) Number of dungeons is irrelient, as long as the game is long and rich enough overall. Lots of little dungoens, or a few massive ones...fine. That said, TWW was far too lacking in content for me. Story and style in spades, but not enough substance.

TP went backwards a little bit because the NPC interaction was much poorer and had bearly any sidequests or minigames.

Thats a bit wrong, TP has more minigames then any other Zelda thus far.
The fishing, marble-rolling, flying, herding, racing, that hockshot game, Archery, the rowing game, snowboarding.

Seriously "barely any minigames" ?!?!
(theres more then that you have to do, but I was only counting the replayable ones that are semi-seperate - not ones part of the game itself. That said...maybe the savage dungoen could count too..or the cats? Still... even excluding them theres lots!)

WW isn't without it's downfalls, but it's still one of the best Zeldas in my eyes. I just wish Nintendo would do a sequel

The DS games :?
Aside from the impossible archury game in it, Phantom Hourglass was a superb game imho. Felt like a lot more content then TWW too.
(even if it did replace one form of backtracking for another)

( Edited 03.03.2011 12:49 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I'm glad you listed those minigames because I'd forgotten about some of them. Guess it's been too long since I last played TP. I was more annoyed than anything that the rewards for completing the minigames were pretty piss-poor. I remember spending ages completing every level of the rolling marble minigame though. That music used to drive me insane doing it!

I think what I found lacking in TP was there just wasn't enough stuff to do in-between the dungeons. If you take MM, I enjoyed that so much because it wasn't just one dungeon after the next. You actually had to do a lot of exploration and whatnot in order to figure out just what the heck was going on, then actually find and open the temple. Such as going through Woodfall Palace to get to Woodfall Temple; going through the Pirate Fortress to get to Great Bay Temple; and my favourite part of the game - going through all of Ikana to get to the Stone Tower. It was that sort of thing I found lacking in TP.

Sequel was probably the wrong word to use because I haven't forgotten about PH and ST, but I spoke of it in another topic the other day. What I mean is I'd love to see another console cel-shaded Zelda using the same graphics, if not better, from WW. I'd kill for a 1080p HD WW-style Zelda. I hope Nintendo consider it.

( Edited 03.03.2011 13:06 by Azuardo )

I do think they intended it to be a trailer though - it has the intro/outro logo and teaser with the new guy (or girl...?) at the end.

One of the things that bugs (lol) me most about this trailer is that Link's animation seems to be a little off, somewhat juddery in places but that's probably due more to the MotionPlus usage.

I does seem nice in places - I like the enemy design, some of the environments are in design and art direction, but I feel it's just not different enough yet.

What I'm hoping for in Skyward Sword:

1) Less elemental dungeons (or at least mix it up a little, combine elements into one location?)

2) More unique dungeons like the Ice House in TP etc

3) Less Boss keys, sub-bosses etc - more surprises and more unique ways of combatting a boss. Perhaps having to battle and weaken a boss throughout a dungeon, then finishing it off once the dungeon "item" has been obtained?

4) More flow between overworld and dungeon.

5) None of this collect 3 medallions shite.

6) More sidequests, NPC interaction etc. Definitely more smaller houses to visit, trading etc.

7) More minigames/jobs to do for money. Make really useful, powerful weapons and upgrades for high amounts of money or trading for. TP, WW really lacked this.

8) No more rescuing Zelda, fighting Ganon. New antagonist, new companions and throw in a twist or two in there.

9) Link gets owned. Would love a "recapture your items" dungeon - where you're locked up and have to make your way around from scratch.

10) Fully orchestrated/real instruments. Come on Nintendo, it's not that hard.

Definitely want a more story driven trailer - show us something new, more exciting. It looks alright, but there's just something missing and I can't quite put my finger on it.

Darkflame said:
a)Thats a bit wrong, TP has more minigames then any other Zelda thus far.
The fishing, marble-rolling, flying, herding, racing, that hockshot game, Archery, the rowing game, snowboarding.

Seriously "barely any minigames" ?!?!

Really? Didn't really feel like many to me, I do acknowledge the hearding, fishing, snowboarding and rowing as ones - but archery was about as existing as Talon's face, and I don't remember the hockshot one?

Hearding was enjoyable initially but not something I'd like to replay. The Ocarina/Majora pair had good target based ones - slingshot, archery, horseback archery - now these were worth playing over to get a better score. I do like the Twilight fishing scene, is a good step up from the Ocarina days. Snowboarding too, good but lacking that kind of fun substance.

I'm glad they made Link's Crossbow Training - they knew they omitted decent target-based games from Twilight.

My fear is that they wont push certain concepts enough. For example that skeleton at the end of the trailer with four arms could prove to be a very difficult enemy to defeat. But knowing nintendo he will have a very simple pattern interwined into his AI and it will be more of a battle of pattern watching then wit.

Definitely want better AI in this, agreed - they're already making it location based in some enemies, but as you say it will probably end up becoming simple patterns for timing. WW had decent AI, I like the variation and environmental approach to some enemies.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

The problem with these more light hearted art directions is that they conflict with the idea of perile and the world being in danger. Thats not to say the world has to have similarities to a Unreal 3 game. The right balance hasnt been struck.

Nintendo just needs to look out from itself a little. Howling, ocarinas, conduting stick. They are the same mechanic dressed up differently. Yet the Ocarina has remained the best example. Stop dressing up the same formulas. I dont need to escape from a band of thieves every other game. I dont necessarily need to fight the same bad guy. I dont need to amass a collection of weapons that become redundant. I dont need to create music of various sorts to shift the world around me.

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