Looks awesome. Day 1 buy for sure. I just love platformers.
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Looks awesome. Day 1 buy for sure. I just love platformers.
Back to the Kirby 64 style. Me like that
Omg yay!!
All I can say is it had better have CoOp.
Is this what became of Kirby GC?
This is exactly what a Kirby game should be. Nothing like Epic Yarn. Thank God they actually did the series something right. Hopefully this could be the return of the Dark Matter. (Zero Three)
Looks and sounds like a true sequel to Crystal Shards! I'm pumped!
...Isn't announcing this Kirby title kinda random though? It just came out of nowhere haha
GreythaGreat said:
Looks and sounds like a true sequel to Crystal Shards! I'm pumped!...Isn't announcing this Kirby title kinda random though? It just came out of nowhere haha
I bet they saw our C3 topic about Kirby and just had to announce it. Really funny how things go sometimes. I'm surprised too that they didn't keep that for E3 though.
This. This is Kirby's DKCR. This will be awesome.
Awesome! I can't wait.
P.S. Really nice article headline, guys...
I can't believe something as well reviewed as Epic Yawn can get so much criticism - are people that scared of a style change?
( Edited 28.01.2011 19:42 by Darkflame )
Most people want the same old games though, unfortunately.
I'll be getting Epic Yarn, I doubt I will get this.
Speak of the devil! About damn time. Although I was looking for multiplayer in this trailer like the last GC kirby trailer.
Its just that 3D kirby games are far and few in between which makes this one a rarity.
Darkflame said:
I can't believe something as well reviewed as Epic Yawn can get so much critism are people that scared of a style change?
From what I've seen, there are a lot of different reasons. Some didn't like that Kirby's trademark power was taken away for this game even if that was made up by other power-ups you get throughout the game, so it's just the stealing enemy powers by sucking them in that's missing.
Another reason I've seen(which is completely stupid in my eyes) is that you can't die in Kirby's Epic Yarn and that it's extremely easy. I like challenging games a lot but that doesn't mean that I can't have fun with easy games. A lot of them also seem to ignore that in order to unlock all the levels and extra stuff, you actually have to step it up and get the best ranks in every level which actually is quite challenging from what I've read/seen.
Lastly, its style. I suspect that most who criticized that are either scared of a style change OR feel that they're too manly to play such a cute looking game. Therefore, supported by its apparent lack of difficulty, they call it a game for little kids and give it a pass.
Marzy said:
Most people want the same old games though, unfortunately.
So I guess you won't be getting the 3DS then?
I've already said on a number of occasions that I'm not getting one.
Well excuuuuuuse me princess! For not following whatever you say!
Personally what turned me off from getting the yarn kirby was that they took out his copy ability.
Even canvas curse had a copy ability even though the controls weren't traditional. But to each his own.
Teetrab said:Marzy said:
Most people want the same old games though, unfortunately.So I guess you won't be getting the 3DS then?
If the 3DS is anything like the DS, it will have some of the best and most inventive new games. Just not at launch (aside from perhaps the built in stuff).
Marzy said:
Most people want the same old games though, unfortunately.I'll be getting Epic Yarn, I doubt I will get this.
I like both personally, innovation AND old-school revivals. And if I have the money for it, I'll be getting both =).
This looks good but also boring. Been here, done that but in 2D. WHY no 3d platformer like Mario?
This kinda popped outta nowhere didn't it xD
Both this and epic yarn look great, can't wait to get them.
I wonder if "New Super Mario Bros.", "Donkey Kong Country Returns", and this new Kirby game all use the same game engine?
Seems you play it holding the Wii remote on its side, judging from what can be seen in the background in the video at 0:04.
Looks good I might buy if its challenging.
The skeptic in me says nintendo has realised that its ten times faster to put out side scrollers then 3D worlds.
If only multi platform games like dead space 2 could be easily ported to the wii. Nintendo wouldnt have to struggle so much.
meeto_0 said:
The skeptic in me says nintendo has realised that its ten times faster to put out side scrollers then 3D worlds.
Good thing that 2D platformers are exactly 10 times better than 3D platformers
It's a kirby game, it won't be challanging.
Is it some kind of fad for guests to be little dicks about everything?