Jonathan Ross Hints at New 3DS Metroid [news]

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As if there weren't enough rumours floating around on the interwebz already. Smilie

Well, it's obvious that a Metroid game for the 3DS is going to pop up(or out? Smilie) sooner or later. What I'm wondering though is, will it be similar to Metroid Prime Hunters or will it be a strict 2D side-scroller like Super Metroid(or a hybrid, like Other M)? I'd certainly prefer the latter as Super Metroid is awesome. Smilie

He leaked the first news on Fable III, back in 2009. Which was also through his Twitter account.

So this has a chance of being true.

I hope for a portable Metroid Prime type adventure. Not a borefest like Hunters but an actual decent exploration filled adventure like the first 2 Prime games.

I did want another 2D game like Zero Mission and Fusion but with the 3DS being '3D', they're more likely to go with a Prime game considering how much better the 3D effects they can make with it would be.

Also, more Prime and less Other M! Smilie

I'd still like a mission based game, non-liner with a big world, but with nicely segmented missions for suitable play.
(eg, in Samus's ship is a selection of missions on different worlds, with more becoming available as she can travel to new places and gets more ship upgrades) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I would prefer one big planet only. Metroid Prime 3 and Hunters became a chore when you started travelling more frequently. MP1 and 2 prove you can have diverse locations on the same planet. Smilie

Could this be Metroid Dread? I could go for a good 2D Metroid. A good remake of Metroid 2 would be welcome since I got lost only 5 minutes into the GB game. I'm not picky about this though, I just want another Metroid game.

"A few other faves coming as well - plus a few unexpected revivals!!" is another ominous tidbit Mr. Ross said.

Yoshindo1 said:
"A few other faves coming as well - plus a few unexpected revivals!!" is another ominous tidbit Mr. Ross said.

I think he's talking about Kid Icarus. I doubt they'd show a brand new unannounced game at this conference. This isn't E3. Plus, Nintendo would be more likely to show that at Japan's conference which has already taken place.

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

GreythaGreat said:

I think he's talking about Kid Icarus. I doubt they'd show a brand new unannounced game at this conference. This isn't E3. Plus, Nintendo would be more likely to show that at Japan's conference which has already taken place.

You're probably right, but I'm still hoping for some reveals. Smilie

Metroid 2 and Metroid Fusion for the Virtual Console.

Mmm, a sequel to other M on the portable, a 2.5D new Metroid game or a Metroid II remake? Oh, the possibilities!

I agree on this, I prefer one big vast well developed planet to explore than some segements on some planets.

Hmmm, interesting. This could be what the rumored Metroid Dread is.

Well if they DO remake Return of Samus they'll need to give the rooms more personality lol. I'll admit it was SLIGHTLY easier to tell where I had to go in Metroid 2 than the original. I'd love another good Super Metroid style game, Other M would've been better IF Samus actually showed emotion (& NOT just in the flash backs or her spazing out infront of Ridley) I always pictured her as a female Han Solo just without the witty quips but has the same rouge attitude. Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I actually think an Other-M type game would suit 3D, when I played the Demo after playing the 3DS demos, I was actually thinking it would suit the 3DS better.

But yeah, this wouldn't be surprising if true.

Jonathan Ross is an utter cunt. He can't even say the word 'Metroid'.

This guy just hinted and he did not even say a word just yet, just cross fingers.

We can dream anyways ;p

I hope it is metroid dread just for all those metroid fans ;p that can't forget about it SmilieSmilieSmilie

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

A Metroid Prime (style game) would be the best option for the 3DS. It would show off the 3d better than other M style.

I can't see a 2D metroid game being the focus on a 3D system, so it will either be like Metroid Prime or Metroid Prime Hunters. I rather enjoyed Hunters (the multiplayer aspect of it) so I would be happy if they announced a 3D version of it with more online modes and less single-player focus. I always thought the concept of unlimited ammo, plus missiles, plus morphball was pretty unique for FPS games. Just make it a bit more balanced.


It should be suitable for a handheld, Prime isn't imho.
Hence mission based makes more sense. Things you can easily play for short sessions if needed.

Besides, an Elite-esq system of freelancing with actually hunting bounty's would fit the character no ?
It might seem strange, but I think even introducing currency into a Metroid game could work. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I had a nightmare last night and Metroid 3DS was revealed as a Batman Arkhum Asylum port but with Samsus pasted over Batman. Smilie

Ifrit XXII said:
I had a nightmare last night and Metroid 3DS was revealed as a Batman Arkhum Asylum port but with Samsus pasted over Batman. Smilie

That actually sounds kind of awesome lol but it would be strange fighting the joker with samus aran!

Anon (guest) 19.01.2011#24

Shit, rude comments come out of this idiot fat gob. Waste of UK taxpayer money when he was with the BBC. Tries to be all comic like but Ross is just a dried up fat prune. He has has a banging wife though with a 10/10 rack! Nintendo are paying him why?!!! Yeeeeeeah ok, anyway, a 3DS Metroid I would love to have!

Please. No more Metroid for a while. There are so many better franchises to make a new game for like F-Zero or how bout making a legit Kirby game. Epic Yarn doesn't qualify as legitimate.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

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