justonesp00lturn said:Steve Jobs (guest) said:
I'm all in for PS3 being hacked, Sony deserved it. I bought my PS3 when it first came out when I could run Linux and all of a sudden they removed it. I only bought the PS3 for other OS and blu-ray it was a piss off that Sony would cheat us like that and took away a feature that they included in the launch/sales of the PS3. Even not so long ago Sony started to launch these commercials stating that *PS3 Does everthing* in fact it doesnt since they removed otherOS, but now I guess it can!! Great Job to FailOverFlow and Geohot I will always support you guys!!So basicall, insead of buying a computer that could run Linux and a blu-ray player, you paid for a PS3, which costs more than both combined and does far less out of the box, and you're mad that the PS3 suddenly can't do one of them anymore? And now you're mad at Sony for removing a feature, instead of being mad at yourself for being an idiot...
To be fair, I'm sure playing PS3 games was also on his mind, even if it wasn't the main reason.