Full list of things that haven't been fixed. There's some errors concerning screens but I think I can fix those myself so didn't bother mentioning. Will add problems to the list as they come in.
Full List of C3 Site Problems
1. Forum page numbers/Next+Back links messed up
Originally, I thought this was exclusive to the Mod Shack forum, but noticed it's on others too (haven't checked all, but looks like it is). Clicking the numbers or 'Next' links at the bottom of the page forum skips you ahead to different pages. Clicking 'Next' once puts you on page 10, for example.
Clicking page 2 puts you on 10 as well. Clicking Next when you're on the final page takes you to a topicless page with a strange URL (lots of numbers in it). Next button should perhaps be removed when you're on the last page, or unclickable, like a page number when you're on its page.
Messing about with the links will probably give you a better idea of how it is atm.
2. Rate Games Multiple Times
Users can re-rate games any number of times, simply by refreshing the page. Maybe allow only members to rate games and the number they have currently selected to affect the average score, rather than rating multiple times bumping up/down the average.
3. Weekly Stars Top User
In each weekly stars topic, the link to the current top user doesn't work, instead linking to: http://www.cubed3.com/users/$top_user
4. No Stars FAQ
Again in the weekly stars thread, there is a broken link to the Star FAQ: http://www.cubed3.com/topic/13359/ Looks like a new one needs making or linking to.
5. Stars Top 10
Top 10 overall ranking in the weekly stars thread is inaccurate. Users with over 1000 stars aren't in the list if you compare it with the top stars members in the Members page.
6. Broken Reviews and Character Profiles
Dedicated thread for this here, but just highlighting it as a problem all the same.
7. No GB Color in user game collections
Going to guess GBC games don't appear in wishlists too.
8. Virtual Boy/other consoles in game database?
Something we'd discussed and think you said you'd add at some point. Would be nice to add VB games to the site ;] Also, maybe instead of Other for most other systems, why not have a Game & Watch, Arcade and Mega Drive (for Wii VC) etc to further clarify what systems other games are on.
9. User profile info not appearing
When editing your profile there's bits for your fave games/movies/music/books, as well as your personal website info. None of these appear when viewing the user's profile page.
10. 3DS code messed up in profile
Not sure if this is just me, but when on my profile page, on the right side my 3DS wifi code is a bit messed up, looking like this: 4253--367-4-12-82
11. Can't preview poll options
When making a poll thread, you have a preview button for the post text, which works, and a preview button for the poll options, which doesn't work.
12. User Level 3
It says Gooba instead of Goomba.
Azuardo was here
( Edited 24.08.2014 03:14 by Azuardo )