Wait. WHAT.
When I posted in Squiddy's thread, I was just speculating/dreaming.
If Capcom worked with Level 5 to make an Ace Attorney game, it would just be the greatest thing, okay.
Oh my god ;v;
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Wait. WHAT.
When I posted in Squiddy's thread, I was just speculating/dreaming.
If Capcom worked with Level 5 to make an Ace Attorney game, it would just be the greatest thing, okay.
Oh my god ;v;
I'd bet they'll do it as the first Ace Attorney for the 3DS
3ds plis ;p
Good news, AA is certainly a franchise that could do with Level-5's expertise. I'm guessing the game will be a 3DS one.
Love both developers and Ace Attorney! Anything that come out of this will be awesome I'm sure. Definitely looking forward to AA5 - perhaps on Wii?
I read an update they are not working on it, :_:
how can this happen to me,
Parkrer said:
I read an update they are not working on it, :_:how can this happen to me,
It sounded too good to be true anyway, I can't see Capcom teaming up with another dev for such a smalltime franchise.
However I guess we can speculate all we like until something concrete is revealed.
Yea, this has been confirmed as false by Jiro Ishii.
I'm glad it's not AA. I want something new or something else from Capcom's back catalogue.
Too bad it was only a rumour ;-;
Seriously, AA gameplay meets Professor Layton gameplay would've been the best thing ever.