Iwata Talks Fire Emblem Perma Death

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I'm so against this. Perma death is what makes the Fire Emblem series so unique. It adds that extra layer of depth and difficulty.

( Edited 05.12.2012 07:53 by Guest )

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

Shadow Dragon was my first ever Fire Emblem, made me totally fall in love with the series. I'll definitely pick this up when it comes out in europe.

I'm going to stick with classic mode. Half the point of Fire Emblem is that you truly value you're characters. The sense of reward you get when you FINALLY beat a chapter without losing a character after a dozen or so resets is one of the greatest feelings in gaming.

I remember the long, hard slog to reach the final chapter. The only char I lost without resetting was Darros (Berserker. Invaluable.), who I lost in the second last chapter. So I revived him with the Aum staff in the final chapter, which had the added bonus of giving me a whole extra character for that mission. Happy days.

It's good to know that there is now a mode so that newcomers won't be put off, but I won't use it. I'm overjoyed that character revivals aren't being forced on us.

I'm really looking forward to finding out what happened to Marth, Shiida and the gang.

( Edited 05.12.2012 07:53 by Guest )

I'm glad that they have made it an option, but I am worried about the direction the series is taking. Fire Emblem isn't casual. The very idea that a casual mode is included to me is like the beginning stages of fast-spreading cancer.

You could see it coming with how easy Shadow Dragon was..

Shadow Dragon was my first ever Fire Emblem, made me totally fall in love with the series. I'll definitely pick this up when it comes out in europe.

You have to pick up the GBA ones! They are so much better in terms of gameplay, difficulty, and story. The DS one is a decent place to start, as far as learning mechanics of the series goes, but you'll think its a second class product after you play the GBA games.

( Edited 05.12.2012 07:53 by Guest )

I never let anyone in my team die, if they do I just restart the mission. This kinda thing adds more difficulty to the game.

Dave B, I agree with Jacob4000. Get Fire Emblem on the GBA it's one of the best games ever.

( Edited 05.12.2012 07:53 by Guest )

Nothing wrong with the GameCube/Wii versions either.

Actually, you can't go wrong with any of them. I have played through each one multiple times. Fire Emblem is what got me back into gaming after being away for 15 years.

I have looked high and low for other 'strategy rpg' genre games but haven't found ANY suitable replacements. Tactics A2 was ok. Ogre Battles was good.

Anybody have any other suggestions?

Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.

Anybody have any other suggestions?

Give Disgaea DS a go. Its fantastic, and very quirky with a lot of cool little touches. Great storyline. I've sunk over 100 hours into it. Its what I used to tide me over until Shadow Dragon was released.

The only problem is that the controls can be weird. Don't use the stylus, just use the facebuttons. And make yourself play for a few hours before you give up on it. Your first impression may not be good -- in fact there are so many stats being thrown around you'll probably be disoriented -- but you'll love it in time.

I've always wanted to get into FE, but man this is worrying. Why do Nintendo have to make everything so fucking accessible to EVERYONE regardless of demographic? Let the FE team make their FE games ffs.

I really hope this doesn't affect the series' direction, like Jacob said. It feels like it's trivialising and demeaning what used to be such an important aspect of the franchise.

( Edited 19.07.2010 15:40 by SuperLink )

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Let the FE team make their FE games ffs.

That's another good point -- Intelligent Systems has been making these games for nearly 20 years. Why is Nintendo butting in? Nintendo, GTFO and let them work.

Jacob4000 said:
Let the FE team make their FE games ffs.

That's another good point -- Intelligent Systems has been making these games for nearly 20 years. Why is Nintendo butting in? Nintendo, GTFO and let them work.

To make it accessible. There are some games that are fantastic, but due to the high skill level required, inaccessible. Do we not live in a world where all should be equal?

It's similar to the middle/upper classes limiting education for the working class so they can't have the same privileges and experiences as them due to some feeling of superiority.

I think it's a good idea Nintendo stepped in and added a casual mode. It also shows how much Nintendo cares about their games and their games (and their sale).

Well personally I dont care 4 the DS n I wont buy the new FE unless it comes to the USA n WII version.

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