Play as Master Hand in Super Smash Bros. Melee

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Huh D: I played as the Master Hand (as well as Giga Bowser, Crazy Hand and all of the Wireframes) years ago D:

Pretty cool that it's possible without cheat codes though o_o
Sounds like a pain to activate.

( Edited 01.07.2010 21:49 by SuperLink )

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Was Crazy Hand in Melee? I've battled him ONCE in Brawl and never in Melee. Is it the difficulty setting that determines when he appears as I'm no good at the hardest settings? Smilie I need to play Brawl more. The online really put me off what is otherwise a fantastic game.

EDIT: forgot about the event with both hands but can't remember one being crazy. Smilie But I never battled him in Classic mode.

( Edited 01.07.2010 21:36 by Ifrit XXII )

Wow it actually works O.O
I just tried it and you can use some of his attacks xD
When I use the debug code with melee through an action replay years ago I could play as him and others like superlink said but this is pretty awesome.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Ifrit XXII said:
Was Crazy Hand in Melee?

You fought him (as well as Master Hand) when you beat classic mode on normal difficulty or higher and under a certain time. I fought him a bunch of times, and I'm not the best player.

Awesome! I'm away from my video games at the moment, but I plan to try this as soon as I get back.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Pretty sure Crazy Hand was in Event Match #50 too. I always found Master harder than Crazy for some reason...

Wolf (guest) 27.07.2010#7

i just discovered that there is an easier way to get master hand, but this only works in vs. mode. you need to have a controller in controller port 3 which controlls master hand, then a controller in port 1 which can be any character. dont select any character for player 3. after selecting a character for player 1, have player one's curser at back, but dont press A yet. have player 3 go to the small black box that says name entry. don't press A yet. have player 1 press A to go back, also have player 3 press A to select name entry at the same time as player 1. if you did it corectly, you should go straight to the stage selection screen without player three having a character selected. select final destination or any other stage ( final destination works best with master hand) the game will replace player 3 with master hand. have fun! Note: you dont use the control stick or the X or Y buttons you press the control pad up, right or down with the A button, B button L button, or R button. my favorite move with him is the finger laser(control pad up and B button). have fun!

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