New Wii Trailer for Monolith RPG Xenoblade

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Kyle in US (guest) 31.03.2010#1

Ok, now that is freaking unique.

Looks pretty cool to me! And wow, that music - first time I heard it, I left it playing in the background for ages. Epic tear-jerker!

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The graphics look terrible, even if some aspects of the art design are good. A project of this grand scale is much better achieved on a powerful console able to realise it's full potential, definitely not on Wii.

I bet the Nintendo execs were disappointed as I was when seeing the two gods battling it out for the first time. I'm sure the scale model they showed looked far better than the clumsy crap seen at the start of this trailer.

( Edited 31.03.2010 18:11 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I think it looks pretty cool.

Jim (guest) 01.04.2010#6

The graphics look terrible, even if some aspects of the art design are good. A project of this grand scale is much better achieved on a powerful console able to realise it's full potential, definitely not on Wii.

wah wah wah wah wah, so what your saying is that jrpg's only belong on the PC which is generally regarded as the leading platform for graphics as PC's are updated much more regularly.

DS, Wii, PSP could never hope to pull them off! Oh wait look at that FF7 and 8 are the highest selling PSN games, a bunch of PS1 games with shit graphics.
Yes the slew JRPG's on 360 and PS3 sure have made a huge difference to how they play and have innovated the JRPG genre!

Jim (guest) said:

Wah wah wah wah wah, so what your saying is that jrpg's only belong on the PC which is generally regarded as the leading platform for graphics as PC's are updated much more regularly.

DS, Wii, PSP could never hope to pull them off! Oh wait look at that FF7 and 8 are the highest selling PSN games, a bunch of PS1 games with shit graphics.

Yes the slew JRPG's on 360 and PS3 sure have made a huge difference to how they play and have innovated the JRPG genre!

What on earth are you on about :/

much better achieved on a powerful console

What the fuck has the PC platform got to do with this?

What generation are you playing games in, are you stuck in a time warp, or just another Wii owner?.

You may like playing new games in this current gen which have the graphical standard of badly made PS2 games, I however do not. I expect the standard of graphics to be in line with the age and innovation that takes place today. I don't expect them to look like they're from a bygone era. Currently the Wii has many such shoddy looking RPG's that look to have started development on PS2, but never got off the ground. (-most with good reason) Thankfully, on the odd occasion you get quality like Graces.

The potential scope for innovation is far increased on both 360 and PS3. What does the Wii offer to developers in the genre that is better, how can it as a platform benefit games in the JRPG genre? The console doesn't even have a hardrive ffs, it also has feeble memory streaming cability - resulting in numerous loads during gameplay/ it's just shoddy and makes life extremely difficult for developers to work with given the ideas they have today (not Japanese RPG), and the trends, like open world.

Just as an example, look at the woeful amount of loads in the sluggish Monster Hunter Tri on Wii. (- much rather play the zesty Lost Planet 2)

The hurdle has been Japanese designers who like retarding games for a Japanese audience, who appreciate it.

If this game was on PS3, it would look absolutely incredible, sadly on Wii it looks weak, despite the ample effort from Monolith.

PS: Your mentioning of classic games in relation to this, is dumb.

( Edited 31.03.2010 20:56 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I wonder why anyone makes games for the Wii at all, considering it isn't as powerful as the Xbox360 or PS3. Today, gamers don't care about interesting ideas, unique worlds or captivating stories, they just want shiny graphics so making anything for the underpowered Wii is completely pointless!!

Nintendo themselves should make the next Zelda game for the Xbox 360 because high-resolution textures would add so much to the realism of the game.

( Edited 31.03.2010 22:30 by PMD )

Interesting. Looks like it's going to have a good plot. I hope this turns out good.

Jim (guest) 01.04.2010#10

What the fuck has the PC platform got to do with this?

It has everything to do with it because the 360/PS3 are pretty much PC in a console shell

A project of this grand scale is much better achieved on a powerful console able to realise it's full potential, definitely not on Wii.

Why bother with consoles at all when PC's provide a more powerful solution!

What generation are you playing games in, are you stuck in a time warp, or just another Wii owner?.

Nope I own a 360 and most if not all the JRPG's that have come out on it are awful, and there so few and far between.

The potential scope for innovation is far increased on both 360 and PS3.

Sure is but yet 5 years after the launch of the 360 we have seen pretty much fuck all.

The console doesn't even have a hardrive ffs, it also has feeble memory streaming cability - resulting in numerous loads during gameplay/ it's just shoddy and makes life extremely difficult for developers to work with given the ideas they have today (not Japanese RPG), and the trends, like open world.

Go play Tales of Vesperia, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssey and Final Fantasy XIII hardrives and greater memory streaming have provided no advancements in the genre, in fact big world maps are BEING TAKEN OUT of the games because of these, developers are complaining it's too difficult to do for some reason.

From a JRPG standpoint theres no reason why Wii's hardware can't provide a great experience. I'd much rather take PS2's library of RPG's over the 360's anyway.

I wont even bother with your nonsense about PCs, but on your other points:

Fuck all in JRPG's, which as I alluded to earlier are stagnating because the majority of Japanese developers show an unwillingness to advance the genre with innovation. WRPG on the other hand show exactly what can be done, they take advantage of the technology of the day and do far more than just create a high standard of graphics a game deserves. Or needs, to create an immersive experience to players.

Who has said it couldn't?, I certainly haven't anywhere above. I expect the game to be a good-great one given who's working on it. All I've said is that the execution looks dire on Wii, and that can only be attributed to the lameness of Wii's specifications. Nintendo are helping them with the technical side, which makes it even more damning.

If this game was on PS3 it would instantly wow players, Monolith wouldn't have to be conservative with any element of it's design.

( Edited 02.04.2010 07:42 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
Jim (guest) 01.04.2010#12

If your still failing to get the PC comparisons I feel sorry for you.

Here I'll make it simple for you

You said:

"If this game was on PS3, it would look absolutely incredible, sadly on Wii it looks weak, despite the ample effort from Monolith. "

Ok so if it was on more powerful hardware it would automatically make it better right?

Ok seeing as how the PC is pretty much the most powerful platform and can blow the PS3 put of the water when it comes to graphics why even bother with the PS3 at all?
A project of this grand scale is much better achieved on a powerful PC able to realise it's full potential, definitely not on PS3?

Sound familiar?

Jim (guest) 01.04.2010#13

All I've said is that the execution looks dire on Wii, and that can only be attributed to the lameness of Wii's specifications.

But you see thats complete bullshit, and it's in fact what i'm trying to get at with the PS2 comparisons, there are plenty of games that have pulled off games with amazing execution on the PS2 and there are plenty of game that look "lame" on 360 and other powerful hardware.
There are also plenty of JRPG's on the DS that play brilliantly on the DS for crying out loud and it's about as powerful as a PS1.

It's all down to the developer.

So it's nothing to do with the hardware.

You seem to thing that more powerful hardware automatically = makes games better, it's all down to the developer.

And i'm not some sort of anti graphic whore fanboy, I like when developers take advantage of more powerful hardware but when most innovation in JRPG's have been taking place on handheld hardware for the past 5 years( which is distinctly lacking in power) it shows that it isn't 100% necessary.

What is wrong with you lol, why do you keep mentioning the PC when I myself have made no mention of it? Only nerdy twats in Japan play JRPGs on PC, if that's what you prefer, so be it, but the vast majority of fans in the genre play these games on consoles. The preferred platform for such games are consoles.

If you cannot understand that, then I feel even sorrier for you.

Where have I said that it would be automatically better? - nowhere. What it would do is give Monolith far more options than they do at present, with the restrictions Wii development imposes on developers.

When they have epic scale projects such as this, they are much better off taking advantage of a console with far greater raw power and memory capacity.

Rubbish, it's a combination of everything.

This game looks so bad because in order to fit everything in it has to take a serious dip in quality, in many aspects of it's design, not just the bad graphics you see on the surface..

If it was on PS3 that wouldn't be the case, it would be taking full advantage of the Blu Ray capacity and providing graphics and animation deserving of such a project. Not trying to squeeze everything in at the cost of the game looking shit. The Wii isn't the platform to use when creating games of this style, while the PS3 more so than the 360, very much is.

The PS2 was easy to develop for, unlike the Wii which continues to have remnants of bottle necked crap.

( Edited 02.04.2010 07:39 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

The concept is very unique, but I agree with Squidboy - the visuals do seem on a par with really early PS2 stuff. The colossi in Shadow of The Colossus looked much better than the giant mechs fighting at the start of the trailer. Very boxy, bland textures, etc. SotC even emulated hair.

Regardless, the concept sounds very cool indeed. I'd caution Wii-owners about getting too excited for this, too soon. All we have to go by thus far is the trailer which pretty much just showed visuals and cut-scenes. They look half-assed. If that characteristic is evident for the rest of the game, it'll be a disappointingly-average game that had a really cool concept.

On the other hand, it might turn out to be a really cool game that just has bad graphics. That's not really that much of a big deal for Wii-owners, I wouldn't have thought. Also - Xenoblade? Really? Could they have chosen a more generic name?

The concept of the storyline (two giant life-forms upon which races of humans live) is very cool, indeed. One to watch, but to be watched with trepidation.

( Edited 01.04.2010 20:24 by Martin_ )

Jim (guest) 07.04.2010#16

What is wrong with you lol, why do you keep mentioning the PC when I myself have made no mention of it?

Because you said this game should be on a more powerful system to do it justice?
PC is the most powerful system?


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