The Grinder Wii Still a First Person Shooter

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Oh wow, definitely wasn't expecting this.

Watered down versions for OTHER systems? That's new. High Voltage just got a tiny 1up in my books.
Conduit 2 sounds pretty good aswell.

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John (guest) 31.03.2010#2

It better be good its Weird how the Xbox and PS3 are getting a 2D game Smilie

Wow, it's almost like they've been reading our comments right off of here, haha.
So excited for this. The best possible decision they could've made, in my opinion.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Wait, so those videos we saw were for the 360 and PS3? That's crazy. I am betting on Marketplace/PS Store downloads rather than full releases on those systems.

Just because a game is overhead doesnt mean its any less "meaty" or less deserving of a full release.

That said, I'm very glade the Wii still has another FPS game. Especialy one with a pretty good looking style. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Thank goodness! A potensially good game has been saved! Not to say the alternative version wouldnt be good, only that it wasnt what was already promised i guess, hell i'd still get the alt version if they release it still but on wiiware or something.

Also, keeping my promise, i will be getting Conduit 2 as support to high voltage, we're back on track people!

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