What's with the Mario Paint boxart and 4 players setting Cubed3 ?
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What's with the Mario Paint boxart and 4 players setting Cubed3 ?
Hell yes!, the wait has been dire! It's been over a month since the US got it.
I've been playing super mario kart, on my wii here in America for 4 months !!!
oh, fuck yes. I'll most definitely be downloading this.
About time. This has been on my to get list for a very long time. All I need now is MK DD and I will have the complete set. I wonder if there will be online races?
Super Sonic said:
About time. This has been on my to get list for a very long time. All I need now is MK DD and I will have the complete set. I wonder if there will be online races?
Nah dnt be silly! Its always nice to dream though