One game I won't be able to play unless it comes with a non-3D mode because of my lazy eye and squint.
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One game I won't be able to play unless it comes with a non-3D mode because of my lazy eye and squint.
It's like stealing veruca cream from a man with no feet.
Please Please will someone wake-up and give us some headtracking games :-/
Look at this gif;
Subtle 3d perspective shifts can give a strong illusion of 3d even without stereography.
Aligning a viewpoint to the exact thing we would see from that angle...moving subtle with our heads twitches and turns...would *really* increase immersion and give us a better depth sense in games.
All you need is a bundle headband and wiimote stand...$5 to make absolute tops.
It would benefit basically all first person games.
Of course, you can have both headtracking and sterograpghy too, which works excellent. (NVidia\'s sterodrivers with Johnley Lee\'s wiimote headtracking demo worked for me but I had to mess about a bit)
( Edited 06.01.2010 18:06 by Darkflame )
Darkflame said:
Please Please will someone wake-up and give us some headtracking games :-/
pffft, I've been playing 3D games since the original Doom came out in 1993.
PMD said:
pffft, I've been playing 3D games since the original Doom came out in 1993.
It makes you look ridiculous. Really? 3d glasses? They'd probably hurt after a while.