Are we going to do more mature titles for the Wii? Probably not. Look at Dead Space. We were stunned. That was my litmus test. Basically, it's like, okay, you got EA, who can put all the marketing muscle behind this, an established franchise that scored quite well on 360 and PS3. They should be able to actually hit this out of the park, right? We get numbers, real numbers aside from NPD, and I?m like, "Woah"
Like most Wii games, EA didn't put any marketing what-so-ever behind Deadspace Extraction, as far as I can tell, it's mo like the fact that in most places that still sell it, it's selling at a high price range, although in HMV, it's £20 (I'm going to get it soon).
Still, it's another developer Jumping ship, although, "casual"/Kiddy games don't always sell well, it's always usually Nintendo made games that sell, with the odd acception.
I don't mind though, I'm not exactly into gaming in general as much as I used to be, my house has all the consoles of this gen, and I play any that I feel like, there's already enough Wii games to satisfy my needs. Aswell as 360, PS3, DS games (I don't exactly like the PSP).