C3 GOTD Poll 10 - 2009!

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Hey, do I know you?!Smilie

Seasons greetings proles. I hope your second half of '09 wasn't a complete kick in the crotch and you've been enjoying some of the very finest software of this, and indeed any, year. There's plenty to choose from. I'm back to initiate the final stretch of this semi-arduous series, collate the results, whip up the final Game of the Decade Poll, and chastise and berate you all when you vote Brawl tops. Then I shall finally slip into the ethernet...

So then.

Image for

I haven't bothered asking you all again for shortlist nominations (besides the five titles already suggested earlier in the year) because frankly you'll waste my time with the most painfully mediocre Wii drudge. Instead I've selected them myself from the potentials. Wasn't too difficult as, although there's been plenty of fun titles, the cream rose to the top quite clearly. Compared to 2008, it was a cinch. As fun as Ghostbusters might have been, it's not really GOTD material. NSMB Wii, Halo ODST, LFD2... the list of controversial exclusions could go on, but hey, lump it. It's all been thought through, so no moaning.

The nominations are:

Rhythm Heaven/Paradise/Tengoku Gold - DS, Nintendo SPD1
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 - PS2, Atlus
Street Fighter IV - Various, Capcom
Killzone 2 - PS3, Guerilla Games
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Various, Infinity Ward
Assassin's Creed II - Various, Ubisoft Montreal
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - PS3, Naughty Dog
Batman: Arkham Asylum - Various, Rocksteady Studios
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks - DS, Nintendo EAD
Flipnote Studio - DSiWare, Nintendo EAD Tokyo

dartmonkey's Roundup Gospel -
'The PS3 finally gets its act together with some real AAA games. Sony are still losing money on every unit, but it's good to see them actually putting their back into it. When she hits £199 it might well be worth picking up a slim. Bit of backwards compatibility wouldn't go a-miss either. The 360 has trundled along quite nicely, although compared to the stellar 2008, it's lacked the exclusives. The Wii still ploughs its own route of waggley averageness with occasional fun and refreshing diversions. The DS continues to run rings around the PSP, with a constant stream of solid releases that play to the particular strengths of a handheld platform, rather than truncating home-console experiences and shoehorning them into your cramped unsatisfied hands. The PC may as well have not bothered in 2009, probably due to boring recessional reasons. And, you know, PC gaming's a bit shit isn't it.

And Modern Warfare 2 is overrated.'

Below are links to all the previous years. PLEASE follow them and vote for your favourite from each year. Do it as a Christmas present to me. Of particular importance is knocking Brawl from its current leading position in the 2008 poll because frankly it doesn't deserve to be there.

Previous polls:

Once there's enough votes to satisfy me (around 50 for each year) I'll knock up the final poll. So all you new members get clicking on those links and place your considered vote.

Feliz Navidad dogsSmilie

Less posty, more gamey.

Um excuse me but where the FUCK is Dragon Age you faggot. Smilie In its absence I had to go with AC2, but really Dragon Age is the RPG of the decade, definitely GOTY for me

Dragon Age, ah yes. What we\'ll do, we\'ll Post-It note \'Dragon Age Origins\' at the bottom and scribble \'knighty +1\'.

Its inconsequential existence is duly noted.

( Edited 20.12.2009 12:14 by dartmonkey )

Less posty, more gamey.

Lots of good games there, I'm going to wait it out though. I'll be getting Spirit Tracks for Christmas and my brothers going to be getting Killzone 2. I plan on getting Uncharted 2 later on, as well.

Spirit Tracks is looking like a contender.

The beginning of 2009 and the last couple months have actually been great, everything in between was shit boring though.

A couple of months ago I would have expected Scribblenauts to be up there for sure, but the actual game is just a lot of fun, but just not GOTY material. I blame the lack of creativity involved in the main game modes.

Also, I love you for not including Mario Bros. Honestly I do. (I honestly don\'t think it deserves to be up there)

It\'s an easy choice for me (Persona 4) but I\'d like to remind everyone just how awesome Spirit Tracks actually is. It\'s really really good. I\'d like it to get almost near the top what what\'re ya gonna do... Uncharted 2 or that MW2 thing (overrated Smilie ) are easy winners.

( Edited 20.12.2009 12:13 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

dartmonkey said:
Dragon Age, ah yes. What we'll do, we'll Post-It note 'Dragon Age Origins' at the bottom and scribble 'knighty +1'.

Its inconsequential existence is duly noted.

Good Smilie

Hmm, No guesses for me here, I have yet to play Spirit Tracks, but no Zelda game really holds me that dear, so it's going to have to be Modern Warfare 2 on the PC (PC gaming is not shite!) as the story was fun, the on-line has held me for 60+ hours (see sig) and still counting, and I haven't even touched upon special ops yet! GOTY for me.
Another honourable Mention would be Muramasa, but still infinity ward trumps vanillaware on this occasion.

The only one I've played is Rhythm Tengoku Gold. Will have to hold off from voting for now methinks.

I've only played one thing on the list, and that's SFIV. Can't really vote fair, so I'll leave it till next week since I'm sure my brother's getting Uncharted 2 and AC2 for Xmas, and I'll probably get Spirit Tracks with Christmas money aswell.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Zelda will arrive later this week. Until I can complete it, I can't vote on this one.

Certainly not a bad year. As of now, its between Assassin's Creed and Modern Warfare (even though I agree that it is grossly overrated). I've wanted to play Uncharted desperately, as I do believe it is probably the best game of the year. I need a PS3, its getting all the good exclusives lately.

I\'ve voted Spirit Tracks. Feels a lot more like a proper Zelda game than Phantom Hourglass. It also reminds me of Minish Cap which I loved.

( Edited 20.12.2009 18:45 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

Pretty obvious which I've voted for. Then again, it seems that me, Link, mage, and Angus(I think) are the only ones who've played it...

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

PK- The Mongoose Hermit said:
Pretty obvious which I\'ve voted for. Then again, it seems that me, Link, mage, and Angus(I think) are the only ones who\'ve played it...

Seems to be that way Smilie So even if it\'s winning now I doubt it\'ll ever get more than 4 votes...

( Edited 20.12.2009 18:29 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

\'tis a shame Wayne couldn\'t get a hold of a copy, that would\'ve been one more for our side...


( Edited 20.12.2009 19:52 by PK- The Mongoose Hermit )

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

I voted for Batman: Arkham Asylum (don't critic me)
Very detailed

I'm sorry the service you'd requested is unavailible Now say Hello to Bobby

Haven't played any of then. :s
I'm really getting out of touch with gaming.

Captian2.0 said:
I voted for Batman: Arkham Asylum (don't critic me)
Very detailed

I have only two words for Arkham Asylam Fucking Awomsme.Smilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Yeah, I'd buy Arkham Asylum if my brother let me have his 360.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw
ohm (guest) 21.12.2009#19

Where is muramasa? Very overlooked game.

PK- The Mongoose Hermit said:
Then again, it seems that me, Link, mage, and Angus(I think) are the only ones who've played it...

Well, I bet you there will be a lot more people playing it come December 26. That's the boat I'm in.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

ohm (guest) said:
Where is muramasa? Very overlooked game.

I was going to mention it (love it to bits) but I don't want artmonkey to shout at me Smilie

Keven said:

Well, I bet you there will be a lot more people playing it come December 26. That's the boat I'm in.

Well it came out last year, I'm kinda doubting many people will be getting it this year... it's already kinda rare by now.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Wow out of that entire list I have only played Street Fighter IV and Rhythm Heaven. While I enjoyed both games I wouldn't say they would be my GOTY of the year. Pretty meh year for me in terms of gaming. Smilie

Though I am playing through Dragon Age at the moment and would have to agree on knighty. Smilie

Who published Persona? They must have only shipped like 100 copies. Smilie The game disappeared way too fast and there's only so much effort I'll put into finding a game before I get bored and move on. Smilie

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
Who published Persona? They must have only shipped like 100 copies. Smilie The game disappeared way too fast and there's only so much effort I'll put into finding a game before I get bored and move on. Smilie

Squeenix published it in Europe, and I'm pretty sure Atlus published it in the US.

If there are no copies it's because the PS2 is pretty dead and noone wants to buy hardcore games on it anymore.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Sorry to dissapoint, but Persona 4 won GOTY last year for me....(owning the NA copy of course) This year I was stunned at how good the line up was, but Uncharted 2 is the best console experience i\'ve had since Final Fantasy 9. Sorry to take away from Persona 4, but U2 wins this year for me.

Although the lack of Demon\'s Souls is sad....most overlooked game this year. Even more so than P4

( Edited 21.12.2009 12:53 by mage_mccloud )

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