C3 GOTD Poll 8 - 2007!

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Can you tell I'm trying to rattle through them?

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The nominations for this excellent year are:

Bioshock - Various, 2K Boston/Australia
Halo 3 - Xbox 360, Bungie
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - DS, Nintendo - EAD
Portal - Various, Valve Corp.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Various, Infinity Ward
Super Mario Galaxy - Wii, Nintendo - EAD Tokyo
Crysis - PC, Crytek
Forza Motorsport 2 - Xbox 360, MGS - Turn 10 Studios
Mass Effect - Xbox 360, Bioware
The World Ends With You - DS, Square Enix, Jupiter

Hmm. It's a poser. The next one isn't any easier.

Previous polls:

Just out of interest, has anybody actually played a game from these polls yet that they previously hadn't?

Less posty, more gamey.

Shouldn\'t the orange box be there instead of just portal, it was a whole package after all. Every game in that package was sublime. Anyways, I having a lot of trouble deciding if I like Bioshock or Mario Galaxy more, both were exceptional for completely different reasons.

( Edited 23.07.2009 03:14 by ohm )

2007 was a pretty good year, hard to decide.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Lot of good games there. Galaxy gets my vote though.

If Orange box was there, I would've voted that in. I enjoyed every game in that package immensely. However, it's going to have to go Mario Galaxy, Bioshock and then portal.

I loved Mario Galaxy (at the time, I remember thinking "this is the most fun I've gotten from a video game in a long time"). Portal is genius and the story is lovely. Call of Duty's multiplayer is great (probably the reason I bother to pay for LIVE).

But I recently played Mass Effect. I seem to love Bioware's style, and Mass Effect is huge. I was addicted to it for a week. I loved the characters (Wrex is awesome), the deep story, and just the way the story is allowed to unfold. There are several tense moments; moments that are more like the suspense you get in a good movie that you're really into. It's by no means perfect, but there's nothing else like it.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

ohm said:
Shouldn't the orange box be there instead of just portal, it was a whole package after all. Every game in that package was sublime.

Yep, I deliberated for a long time on that one. Half-Life 2 is in the '04 poll and as brilliant as Episodes 1 and 2 are, it felt unfair on the competition to claim they're independent new games. They're part of H-L2.

As brilliant as I want Team Fortress to be, I haven't enjoyed it, and neither have many other C3ers. Spawn, run, death, spawn, death... It's certainly not a n00b-friendly experience. Which is fine, but if you're not a TF vet it's a bit of a closed book. I want to love it, if only because of the fantastic art direction and animation, but I haven't had much luck/fun with it.

And Portal is genius. All the games were released individually too so I decided to give the competition a fairer chance and split the O-Box up. I don't want to make it too easy for youSmilie

Less posty, more gamey.

Portal, easily. BioShock second methinks, then Galaxy.

Really wanted to go for Portal, but it has to be Modern Warfare.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

I love Team Fortress 2 Smilie. My vote's going to Portal.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

There's always oneSmilie You see where I'm coming from though? Orange Box devotees should go for Portal.

I want to say Galaxy, but I play CoD4 3 or 4 nights a week. And Portal was life-changingly great...

Less posty, more gamey.

Galaxy. Portal is really unique, but it was short and kinda bland at times.

Galaxy is the easy winner I'm afraid.

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Portal for me. The way the story was presented through the tests and GLaDOS was great and I really can't wait for Portal 2 to hurry up and come out. Smilie

SuperLink said:
Galaxy. Portal is really unique, but it was short and kinda bland at times.

Galaxy is the easy winner I'm afraid.

Portal was going for the sterile look though. I think 2007 year was a phenomenal year, so many games competed for the top place for me. COD4, orange box, mario galaxy, zelda PH, bioshock, crysis and mass effect.

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