I would just like to bring to your attention this wonderful web series based on Super Smash Bros.
Here's its description
In a Dystopian Mushroom Kingdom, corruption and avarice reign supreme. Even the greatest heroes of the land have buckled beneath the overwhelming will of the amoral elite. When a series of grisly crimes pushes an unlikely champion to seek the truth, a mystery unfolds that could completely destroy everything he holds dear.
I absolutely love the show. I dont feel that it has many jokes in it but its entertaining because you get to see all your favourite Nintendo characters depressed and all messed up living in a dystopian mushroom kingdom. For example Mario is a depressed over aggressive drunk, Samus is a pole dancer and Peach is a two timing whore.
The presentation is brilliant and the actors play their part so well. There also some nice new versions of classic nintendo tunes such as a remixed dance versions of F-Zero tunes being played in a seedy night club.
You can watch it on its offical website here.
There will be brawl offical page
Or here on the escapist website.
Those of you that have already watched some episodes, what are your thoughts on the show?