High Voltage Bring Online Co-op Horror FPS to Wii [news]

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This looks fantastic, it definitely appeals lot more to me than their other game in development. Hopefully it will turn out to be really good, the online element is just what the Wii has needed.

It's nice to see an FPS for a change as well, another on-rails shooter would have been tiresome to see.

Why does it sound like left for dead on paper?

Looks shit

Guest 27.05.2009#4

I like the lighting, but it also looks very bland. I'm not interested in FPS on consoles anyway.

Yes looks really good. My only concern is the company itself. They are technically head and shoulders above far more established devs. But can they execute their concepts with flair. Are the level designs creative and the gameplay fun and inventive. Or will their games be pretty but generic. My fingers are crossed.

Another problem are sales. It seems to me that nintendo fans are like indie movie fans. They only really like out there games that are constantly different. Plus they have this inability to buy none nintendo products they shy from more traditional hollywood rubbish (but good rubbish).

Where as those who like mindless typical stuff camp firmly elsewhere. looking at kotaku and other none nint sites nintendo threads just dont get interest and are always littered with waggle or graphics jokes.
Can the market grow?

( Edited 27.05.2009 11:27 by meeto_0 )

The game looks alright, but it seems like an indie dev finally has something to boast about, unlike Nibris. This took them, what? Who knows, but they're churning out Wii games that break the mold faster than Nibris can churn out fake concept art.

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Exactly what the Wii needs!

looks fun

Canyarion said:
Exactly what the Wii needs!

Thats exactly what I thought. And Im not moaning but the response so far on the thread I find surprising. its quite tepid.
But nintendo announces that retro have put three previously released metroids on one disc and the response is 'I already played all three but now they support wii controls and widescreen and have bloom lighting so it will be first day purchase'.

They are amazing games so you know what your buying but you have played them, so no real surprise.
This game could be shit, could be average, could be a left for 4 dead clone. But the devs of left 4 dead dont want to know the wii. So lets get excited, whats the harm? could be amazing!

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It appeals to me more than Gladiator, that's for sure !

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Well it sounds better than the gladiator game

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Im not particularly excited about fighting games either. But I seem to be excited about all things motion plus. I never bothered with mario smash bros. I think I will give the gladiator game a try. Of course all games pending a good review.

Bart.... said:
I like the lighting, but it also looks very bland. I'm not interested in FPS on consoles anyway.

18 months more to go. I think maybe a year from now we might be justified in judging the visuals (which look pretty good for this early on to be honest). Bland or not, take a look at how much cleaner the visuals for "The Conduit" became in 1 year and you'll see where this game can go.

Right now, they're getting more characters on screen than in that disaster "Dead Rising: Chop Til you Drop" in a more complex game.

I'm pretty excited for this. And I'm looking forward to the gladiator game too, although I think that one could bomb.

Goodness people, wake up! This is a game that's going to have four player online co-op...on the Wii. Has there been a single Wii game to do that yet? It looks a bit bland, but they're hoping to ship this by next Christmas. There's still plenty of time. You don't have to be screaming from the rooftops, but I think this deserves much more than the 'meh' most of you are giving it.

Could be fun - if they implement Wii Speak again and get away from friend codes they could be onto a big seller.

...what gets me the most about this is not only playing with friends, but the 65 enemies on screen thing. Have they seriously pulled that off? And if so this means properly frantic waves of enemies for you and various chums to fight against, Left 4 Dead style(hopefully).

I like this attitude from High Voltage. There's no Mature audience for the Wii? We'll MAKE one. *nyah*
Here's hoping they spam the market with this audience in mind for longer, I like reading news like this.

The idea behind this is to get a Left 4 Dead style of game for the Wii. Right now they have 65 monsters on screen but they say that is an initial test, there will most likely be more. Wiispeak is for sure since it was used in the Conduit, but Friend Codes will probably still stay. Not sure if you can play with random people but there is a fair chance of that, no Wiispeak of course. Also there is a Japanese assassin character and the idea of using the Motion plus for her (and others) melee weapons.

IGN has a massive interview, it sounds great.

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Very promising concept and much more interesting than Conduit and Gladiator. High Voltage, please, hire some decent level and game designers!

Nice, left4dead with werewolves and vampires.

Also, splitscreen online Co-op sounds great.

Plus, RPG sorta leveling up elements.

Wii motion Plus.

All sounds good to me.

I read the interview, and it sounds (and looks) like a very good game.

Wow... Hunter: The Reckoning in 1st person I'm up for that. Hudson tried to do the left 4 dead thing with Onslaught(giant insect enemies and a crazy narrator who constantly shouted "That's why your still a kid!") and it's just meh(mediocre at best) all around, but since HVS are so gun hoe for the Wii I'm expecting something special. With the screens shown now and the time they have till their expected release I'm hoping for something that not only looks great, but plays fantastic. HVS is going to be controlling Nintendo's FPS market.Smilie

I really need to see/hear more on their Gladiator title, because I'm just not interested in it.

Stulaw said:
Also, splitscreen online Co-op sounds great.
I don't think they said splitcreen and online in once sentence, right?
I assume it's either offline splitscreen (2, hopefully 4), OR online (4).
Online AND splitscreen would of course be great.

Yeah, the screenshots look a little bland, I'll need to see a little more before I form a distinct opinion on this one - at least see the game in action. That said, I'm impressed that they're attempting such an ambitious project for Wii, although I hope they're wary of the inevitable Left 4 Dead comparisions.

Outstanding. 65+ enemies on screen at once, vampires, werewolves, zombies, 4 player online co-op, WiiSpeak, MotionPlus with a Japanese assassin and a sword, a superior control scheme and full customisation. What more could you possibly want..?!? Smilie

I'm going to buy all 3 of HVS's games as soon as they come out. Quality work like this has to be rewarded.Smilie

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