C3 GOTD Poll 3 - 2002!

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It's round 3! Irritatingly numerically ill-matched to the '02 Game of the Year Poll (if only I'd begun at round 0).

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It's time to announce the nominees before we release those big-money balls! Carol...

Thanks Graeme. The nominees for the best game of 2002 are:

Advance Wars - GBA, Nintendo - Intelligent Systems
Sonic Advance - GBA, Sega - Dimps
Super Smash Bros. Melee - Gamecube, Nintendo - HAL
Final Fantasy X - PS2, Squaresoft
Ico - PS2, SCEJ - Team Ico
Halo: Combat Evolved - Xbox, MGS - Bungie Studios
Metal Gear Solid 2 - Various, Konami
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Various, Rockstar North
Timesplitters 2 - Various, Free Radical
Kingdom Hearts - PS2, Square

Once again, THIS POLL WILL REMAIN OPEN until the end of the comp. Do not feel the need to vote immediately. Look through the list and see if there's any you've been meaning to play and never got round to, or waiting to see cheap, etc. Get them. Play them.

Nearer the end I'll be running a drive to gather votes for all of the polls before the big one - once you've had time try some new things.

You can vote for your best of 2000 here, and the best of 2001 here.

As you were.

Less posty, more gamey.

Definitely between Smash Bros, ICO and Kingdom Hearts for me...gotta be Melee though. ^_^

Sonic Advance, Melee or Kingdom Hearts.

The only Sonic title, the best multiplayer of 6th gen or one of my favourite RPGs.

Gonna need to sit on this one for a while.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This is a tough one for me. Timesplitters 2 and Vice City gave me many hours of enjoyment. Timesplitters 2 is one of my favourite multilayer games ever, but I thought Vice City was amazing and I loved the 80's theme of the game.

I will have to give it some thinking through.

Kingdom Hearts for me. The game is full of the classic Disney magic that has been missing from their films for years now.

Final Fantasy X would be my second choice and Metal Gear my third.

I went for Halo. I loved that game when it came out. It was incredible. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

Melee. Too many countless memories from various sleep overs.
Hey SL "Put that in your pope and smight it!"

ICO get\'s my vote. Fantastic art style with great bloom lighting and atmospheric sound effects, great connection to the characters, and simplistic combat system, yet it works. My only complaint that it was rather short.

( Edited 16.05.2009 23:53 by Meev )

Too difficult to call for me, between TS2, Halo and Smash Bros.

And I thought you were talkign to me there Dart. Got me well confused there mayt.

SSBM EASILY. The reason why I bought a Gamecube, the reason why my thumb has calluses and the various memories I have had with my friends makes this a clear choice. Close seconds are Advance Wars (undoubtly one of the best games to grace the GBA and again many countless hours) or Timesplitters 2 - another game that producded many hours of fun and I LOVED playing through the challenges (which were such a bitch) and mapmaker.

Eeeeeek! Smash,Sonic Advance, Timesplitters and Metal Gear Solid 2! Grrrr which one!

Melee hands down, there never has been a game I have played more. Halo was pretty good too.

Meev said:
ICO get's my vote ... My only complaint that it was rather short.

How short are we talking? It's actually great to hear that it's not some 70-hour slog - I don't have that sort of time. 10-15 would do just nicely. Is it that kind of ball-park?

Less posty, more gamey.

dartmonkey said:
Meev said:
ICO get's my vote ... My only complaint that it was rather short.

How short are we talking? It's actually great to hear that it's not some 70-hour slog - I don't have that sort of time. 10-15 would do just nicely. Is it that kind of ball-park?

Took me about 6-7 hours. Still a great game though. ^_^

Better than I hoped!

Ikana said:
Still a great game though. ^_^

Why would it not be?

Less posty, more gamey.

Had to be smash after a lot of consideration, Sonic Advance was in my GBA for a long time though. Such a good game! Timesplitters 2 is a great game but no way controlled my life like Melee did. MGS 2 i believe is a great game as well, but i didnt play it until a lot later than 2002, so for me, Melee has to win it!

I really wanted to vote for Kingdom Hearts or Sonic Advance.... it's a shame they had to be against such a formidable foe, and a game I played at least once nearly every week for 6 years.

Melee it is.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Compared to 2004, this list is amazing. Too many to pick from. At least I know not to pick Ico or Kingdom Hearts.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

Why not pick Ico or Kingdom Hearts?

Less posty, more gamey.

Gotta be melee for me since I played it so darn much before brawl came out Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

This is really hardSmilie. Sonic Advance was great on those bus trips to school, but when all the testing was over and we were able to bring consoles to class there was always a cube and a xbox. While Halo combat evolved(the first console FPS I fell in love with) was great to play with friends, Melee had that simplistic style that could get anyone to give it a try.

Then there were all the gamers that needed blood in there life who said things like "it's too kiddie" but when that controller touched their palms they were sucked in as fast as the rest of us and their faces after the huge beatings they took after realizing how indepth the gameplay is was pricelessSmilie

Without a doubt Melee is my choice and extra kudos to the days before tripping was involvedSmilie

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