The only GBs I have never owned at any point are the Micro and the Light.
Happy B-Day GB You shall forever be an important part of our gaming lives.
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The only GBs I have never owned at any point are the Micro and the Light.
Happy B-Day GB You shall forever be an important part of our gaming lives.
Have scarily owned 4 GameBoys meself - Pocket, Colour, Advance and SP. Pocket was sooo awesome, lovely lil thing! A present from me mum when I went on me first school trip back then. Colour for Christmas, GBA saved up for ages and SP a present from Nintendo UK / Mr. T
( Edited 21.04.2009 21:20 by jb )
wow 20 years!
I had a Pocket, an Advance, and an Advance SP. The Gameboy's were great little handhelds, Nintendo should've made a 20th annerversary addition and either used the star system to give it away or sold it off of people's nostalgia. Maybe they'll announce a new one at E3 (like that's gonna happen).
Still Happy birthday to a great handheld.
Ahh the good old days of playing my chunky gameboy... I'll miss those days
Well at least I have my DSI to keep me busy
I loved the GBC I got mine when Pokemon red came out in the US i waisted so much batteries on it but it had such a great Battery life span.
Gameboys rocked!
I'm surprised there's not more Game Boy Colors. Where I was at, it seemed like everyone and their dog had one. None of the Gameboys ever seemed as popular.
I did Advanced and Advanced SP
I have played on an original and Color before though.
I wish I could've owned one..
I think I'm going on eBay and getting a Gameboy Color
And then getting all the Pokemon games from Red-Crystal
That would be epic!
[Now, to buy the batteries to replace the game pak batteries that have run out due to clocking for GSC.]
I had the advance and the micro.
The micro is one of the best consoles to date in my opinion. I used to carry it with me everywhere I went, light, compact quality gaming that's pocketsized, not bag-ksized.
This pocketsized feature has now been taken over by my iphone. I miss the old micro though...
Did they ever get to selling those fronts?
I have two original Gameboys. One bought around 1990, heavily used but still working fine and the other has never been used and is as new as the day it came out the factory in it's box. I've got a Gameboy Advance as well.
Ahhh nostolgic days. I used to play this for hours and hours untill it literly broke. I used to have Super Mario Land 1+2, Wario land 1, Kirbys Dream world and DR Mario as well as Wario blast which featured Bomberman. Great console and happy birthday Nintendo GameBoy.