C3 GOTD Poll 1 - 2000!

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Well hello there and welcome to the first round of voting!

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Your suggestions have been whittled into this shortlist of ten. The winner will go forward as a nomination for the big one, the C3 Game of the Decade.

The nominees are (in no particular order):

Perfect Dark - N64, Rareware
Jet Set Radio - Dreamcast, Sega-Smilebit
Deus Ex - PC, Ion Storm
Vagrant Story - Playstation, Squaresoft
Majora's Mask - N64, Nintendo
Chrono Cross - Playstation, Squaresoft
Escape From Monkey Island - PC, LucasArts
Banjo-Tooie - N64, Rareware
Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal - Game Boy Color, Game Freak
The Sims - PC, Maxis

There's no specific time limit for this poll. In fact, the reason I started this is to encourage tracking down some older games you might have missed. So if you look at the list and have only played one or two, why not hunt out a couple of the others before voting?

Enough of this gay banter - think long, think hard and vote for your favourite game of 2000.

Less posty, more gamey.

Easily Majora's Mask. After playing it again recently I can easily remember why I ever called it my favourite game of all time. It probably still is.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I voted Perfect Dark, but I was disappointed Shenmue wasn't there. I would have easily picked that over any of those games.

The Sims

I'm torn between pokemon and tooie.

Shenmue got squeezed out for a couple of reasons. It's one of several dodgily staggered 99/00 games, and keeping it meant excluding something else. However, I reasoned that leaving Shenmue out made most sense as it's Chapter 1 of a game that will definitely be in the next poll. So a vote for the sequel makes it equal. See what I did there? I rule.

Several of those might be a challenge to find if you live in the sticks, but the internet's a wonderful thing. With Majora's Mask now on VC and Tooie coming to XBLA next week, there's no reason to not give at least one of them a go.

Less posty, more gamey.

Wow, thats a very short list and none which I would really vote for as my game of the decade other than perfect dark I suppose.

This is just the game of 2000, not the decade. That's gonna be the end result after voting for ten years seperately Smilie Amirite?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I went for Jet Set Radio. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

From that list, I have to go with Majora\'s.

( Edited 12.04.2009 19:23 by Linkyshinks )

Pokemon G&S, poke game of the decade.

TheStratMan said:
I went for Jet Set Radio. Smilie

Hells yeah Strat ManSmilie

On that list there aren't many games I liked I maybe would've went for LoZ:MM for it's originality and freaky ass moon face that haunts my dreams, but back then when I 1st played it I had such a terrible time wrapping my head around the save systemSmilie.

Jet Set(Grind) Radio has got my heart though, for being the 1st game I played that introduced a Spray Paint system. Jet Set Radio Future's Paint system was a let down though. I would love if the series was brought back with paint features similar to Mark Echoe's Gettin' Up.

Oh how I love my dreamsSmilie

Hm, Majora's Mask, Tooie or Pokemon for me. I'm gonna go with the almighty Gold/Silver. Smilie

Don't worry Deus Ex, at least I'm behind you. Smilie

Perfect Dark FTW!! Im sure there were some kick ass games for the year 2000 that you havnt included in there though looking at this list, there doesnt seem to be much else out in the year 2000.

There will be some half-decent games that were missed, but the nomination thread was up for ages (and still is for the other years) so if anything's been missed it couldn't have been that memorableSmilie I think what we've got is a pretty decent spread though, no? I guess there's just not too many Diablo II fans on the forums.

Less posty, more gamey.

Gotta be Pokemon Gold from those.

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
Pokemon G&S, poke game of the decade.

Mason said:
Gotta be Pokemon Gold from those.

Ikana said:
I\'m gonna go with the almighty Gold/Silver. Smilie

Hell to the fu*king yeah! Smilie


( Edited 13.04.2009 03:59 by Keven )

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Majora's Mask no doubt, it was the most amazing Zelda game I've played, the story was just amazing. Nintendo needs to come up with Zelda games like that.

Andrezao said:
Majora's Mask no doubt, it was the most amazing Zelda game I've played, the story was just amazing. Nintendo needs to come up with Zelda games like that.

Yea i wanted to vote for MM as well, i really did enjoy it, but i just remember spending so much time on PD with my buddies back in the day. Just getting the guards to scream "you bitch" always got a giggle from 13 year olds.

Also with hindsight, i played an 18 when i was 13 and havnt killed anyone yet from a 'traumatising' video game experience! Go me! 8)

How is Pokemon winning? Its mediocre at best.

ohm said:
How is Pokemon winning? Its mediocre at best.

Pokémon is amazing personally but I don't think G/S are that special compared to Majora's Mask. They're just Pokémon 2 xD

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Pokemon Gold/Silver at the time were simply amazing and the soundtrack and location (johto&kanto) are still the best of all the pkmn games but for sheer brilliance, I voted for Majora\'s Mask.

Everything about it is well crafted. The doomsday story, the NPCs and the soundtrack.

( Edited 13.04.2009 15:38 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

For me, Pokémon G/S are only the best in locations (<3 2 regions) and story. Other than that newer games have improved on them, and I don\'t find either of them very playable anymore. So yeah, if they were remade FR/LG style, maybe they WOULD be the best Pokémon games.

( Edited 13.04.2009 15:44 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
For me, Pokémon G/S are only the best in locations (<3 2 regions) and story. Other than that newer games have improved on them, and I don't find either of them very playable anymore. So yeah, if they were remade FR/LG style, maybe they WOULD be the best Pokémon games.

Yep, definitely. 3rd gen is best imo...even if it's just for the Box system improvements. Smilie

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