Animal Crossing: Lets Go to the City

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Is "Let's go to the City" just "City Folk"? :-?:-?:-?

Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

Hi said:
Is "Let's go to the City" just "City Folk"? :-?:-?:-?

Yep, PAL regions have the absolutely ridiculous name of "Let's Go to the City" instead of City Folk.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Oh thanks.

Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

Didn\'t Nintendo say when the Wii was announced that you could send messages via mobile phone or email and get them or check them through Animal Crossing for the Wii? I seem to remember Iwata saying something to that effect a couple of years ago. I guess that never came about, same with a couple of other things Nintendo said at the time too.

Given the development time of AC: Let\'s Go to the City, I don\'t see why something like that couldn\'t have been realised.

Still, never mind about that. This game needed a lot more, and frankly, could have had a lot more added to it. I don\'t know why it took Nintendo so long to get this game out there but it\'s basically the DS version on the big screen. I don\'t really see any incentive for DS owners to fork out 30 quid, or whatever it\'s retailing at, to play this game.

I understand the demographic they are appealing to here, but for people who own the DS game, there isn\'t much point at all in having the Wii version. Perhaps the addition of online chat via Wii Speak is one thing Nintendo did right, but that\'s all I can think of.

But to say this game is Nintendo\'s main franchise killer title this Christmas is terrible from a hardcore Nintendo fan\'s perspective.

My opinion, of course.

Good review, jb.

( Edited 08.12.2008 02:20 by Azzy )


Still, never mind about that. This game needed a lot more, and frankly, could have had a lot more added to it. I don't know why it took Nintendo so long to get this game out there but it's basically the DS version on the big screen. I don't really see any incentive for DS owners to fork out 30 quid, or whatever it's retailing at, to play this game.

It sells for more... Smilie I've seen it in some stores for £39.99! and the bundle with Wii Speak for £50...

They just needed to have new ideas; not old ones with revamped presentation. Didn't have to be a radical change (e.g. spage-age Animal Crossing), but it just lacked anything majorly different over the DS version.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

A great review JB, I totally agree with the score/reasonsing you gave it. Nintendo really need to put in more effort...

Had a feeling it was going for more than £30 -_- It's simply not worth £40. £50 with Wii Speak...

Nintendo really know how to make their money. People will buy it. There's no doubt about it.

But that's right - there's just nothing considerably different from the DS version for players of that game to get the Wii version. And to be honest, if you've done the whole Animal Crossing thing before, perhaps making more than one character on your other games, then you're not likely to go through it all again on the Wii.

There'll be people that will, but for that kind of money, it's simply not worth it.

The sad thing is, like Smash Bros, this is likely to be the only instalment in the series for the Wii, until Nintendo's next generation home console. So we're going to have to wait until then before we will see any major additions or changes to the franchise. But there's no excuse for not having any big additions or changes in this version either.

Nintendo has released this game 3 times, the gamecube version was essentially the n64 Animal forest, the DS and Wii ones were almost identicle as well.

Prolly gonna get it though th only reason is I don't have animal crossing for ds so I might as well just grab it. I do agree with everyone though, it needs more work put into it Smilie

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It\'s such a waste, this game was meant to be a big hardcore release. Hell, Reggie said it was a hardcore release, but did he not know anything about the game? Or is he really that much of an idiot?

( Edited 08.12.2008 10:36 by SuperLink )

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If Nintendo think this and Wii Music can satisfy gamers; they'd be very wrong. Both games are good, and you might even say Wii Music is better, but that's it for the holiday season this year.

There's also Disaster and the back catalogue of first party games; but it really isn't enough.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

*yawn* Smilie this game has more repetition than the sims. I would have given it a lower score especially considering these remarks:

Graphically there\'s a solid style that\'s been consistent since its first outing on the Nintendo 64.

The game\'s sound is one of its stronger points, it\'s cheerful and charming to listen to as it has been in the past; quite simply because it\'s identical.

Those made me lawl, especially the first one! Smilie
Nice attept at defending the game JB, but it\'s a joke. Nintendo giving us the same game? Three times?
LAWL! Smilie

( Edited 08.12.2008 16:27 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

woah only 6.... that just breaks my heart Smilie

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So reggie believes a rehash of an old game is worth full price whereas disaster, a novel and fun game built ground up especially for Wii isn't?...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Excellent review J, I really enjoyed it. Smilie

It's a shame about the game, it had the potential to have so much more, but instead it's like a port of Wild World, with a bit of polish on top.

I would have loved to see the city area expanded much more, with lots of new and different shops to explore through. An orchestrated soundtrack could have worked well too. Overall, I would have just liked to have seen a lot more effort put into the game.

What amazes me is that they actually had some great ideas for this game that ultimately got scrapped leaving the game virtually unchanged from its predecessors. Having the game sync with the internal clock and the weather channel were really cool ideas in my opinion. And the city could have been so much more than it is.

I had high hopes for this game when they first started discussing their plans, but as soon as they started showing it off, those hopes died. The same thing happened with Wii Music. I hope this trend doesn't continue. Smilie

Rubbish. So disappointing that's it's just a rehash.

Nice review, Jorge. :-Smilie

Sadly it bored the pants off me. I can perhaps see the charm of it for some folk, but I much prefer something like Harvest Moon to this. The fact that it's basically the DS game on Wii it quite shocking...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I'm quite worried now because it's on my Christmas list; I don't think there'll be much joy if I don't like it and end up wanting to trade it in...

NOM gave it a fucking 9. Frankly how anyone can find AC fun is beyond me. At least in something like the Sims there's depth, as far as I can tell you basically do nothing in AC.

SuperLink said:
Hell, Reggie said it was a hardcore release, but did he not know anything about the game? Or is he really that much of an idiot?

reggie will say anything if it makes nintendo look good. even if its about a middle of the road title like animal crossing.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Eek, seems the same as before and I have a feeling this game will end up like the copy of Wild World I had.
Played for a year

knighty said:
NOM gave it a fucking 9. Frankly how anyone can find AC fun is beyond me. At least in something like the Sims there's depth, as far as I can tell you basically do nothing in AC.

Well I think games like this can be fun, and I enjoyed the DS version. The problem with this game isn't not having things to do. It's the fact that everything you do is going to be exactly the same as when you played it before.

Games like shooters, fighters and sports games can get away with repetition to a certain degree because they have competition and clear goals, but a game like this needs to have lots of notable differences to make me want to play it over again. Giving this game a 9 is definitely ridiculous though.

Hmm, Well, this time you ride a bus...that's been changed, town size, you can now live in any house you want, that's nice too..

They should have added a sailing Function so you could travel, see islands and maybe even take vacations.

Or you could even hire someone to pick weeds from your town if you're going to be out for a while from playing the game.

Animal Crossing has so much potential, they are just playing it safe. Unfortunately they have been caught. 4 games that are the same is no fun.

N64-GC, understandable.

GC to DS, somewhat understandable, but...

n64 to the Wii...Just un called for...But I'll buy it anyway <3333

Nice review, jb!

I'm a tad dissapointed in the way this game turned out, but only a tad. Even if it is the same game as the DS title, and even if I did blow a portion of my money getting it, it's still a somewhat solid title.

Could there have been more? Absolutely!!!! But, that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to enjoy myself and get my money's worth from it.

The holidays are going to be rough for the hardcore Nintendo fan, but hey, what's the chance that they'll announce a mind-blowing game at the last second? That would be fun...;-Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

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