oooh looking forward to Mario & Lui (the other one) 3
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oooh looking forward to Mario & Lui (the other one) 3
Seems like they're gonna be out pretty soon! Looking forward to Mario & Luigi 3.
Oh, I didn't know there was an Another Code coming to Wii.
Awesome! Here's hoping for these to be translated and ready for Euro/US releases soon after!
Another Code definitely awesome!!!
Fragile possibly awesome.
no matter how awesome MaL2 was.. it was disappointing compared to the first game !
here is hoping for the third one !
meowthemouse said:
no matter how awesome MaL2 was.. it was disappointing compared to the first game !
here is hoping for the third one !
My thoughts exactly!!! I've played the first one fully over 7 times and I'm playing it again. It's truly amazing. I absolutely love it!!! I want a lot more Mario Universe references in the third one like the first one had. The battles with the Dr. Mario Viruses and the suprise battles with the Koopa Kids were just AWESOME and quite accurate!