Bored of Videogames?

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Well partially in reply to Gastrian's topic about the poor line up this christmas, i'm afraid I felt like a good old rant so here go's.

If I remember correctly EDGE magazine did an issuse on this very subject a few months ago, I never got a chance to read it unfortunately, but I would very happy if someone who did could sumarize it for me Smilie . Now to the matter in hand, Gastrain (correct me if i'm wrong please) amongst others was saying how there arent really such things as AAA titles, with the odd exceptions of Ocarina of time and the like. Well perhaps this means were judging games in all the wrong ways, maybey games like Wind Waker should have the supposed title of AAA and games like Ocarina Of Time are one off titles that perhaps deserve AAAA (or however you personally rate games).

Anyway people seem to be a bit mixed up in their opinons lately, some saying that games are getting better and better, improving all the time, many fanboys continue to think Nintendo are the only company out their who can make decent games, and that, that's all they make. Then the other half of people seem to think games are begginning to die out, sequels are now commonplace, and although that doesn't have any particular effect on there quality, it determines how people who've played originals will enjoy them. Take Soul Calibur 2 for example, people who have the original may well forget about the title due to it's similarity, but that doesn't make it a bad game. For those who never played the original it may well be the best fighter they've ever played. Which proves the point once again, that games cannot really be given a score, it's all entirely down to personal opinon. On a smilar note, in another thread, 1 person was saying how they might choose Crash racing (forgot the real name) over Mario Kart, and someone else couldn't believe this fact. Mario KArt has the reputation that means it will be treated as gold untill it's released, and even then people will probably continue to believe it's amazing, regardless of how it actually plays, this all comes back down to fanboyism I feel.

Now I realise this is rather a big rant, and your probably thinking just shut up you idiot, your just some kid what do you know? Well this may all be well and true, but i'm just trying to express my opinon on the matter (which I'm sure may be just as mixed as the people I have been reffering too). The point of the matter is, are you bored of videogames? Do you think the whole industry should just give up? Have games had their day? These questions have no simple answer, it's up to the individuals to decide, chances are people who have been with games since Ataris and such, probably will have had enough by now (or will have soon), whereas the young'uns will still be craving more. Of course in defence of the whole video games industry, there are still companies willing too take chances, and are still thinking of new ideas and are being innovative, one of which is of course Nintendo, I have said it once and I will say it again, the day Nintendo dies, so does the industry. Maybey I am wrong, I know there are other companies being innovative out there, but I just think with Nintendo out of the way other copanies will pummel the gaming population with sequels of poor quality, and will eventually be the death of the whole industry..

Apologies once more, but I just needed to get that off my chest.

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

I personally think that people have to enjoy games for what they are. I know we keep having expecations, especially with sequels or new titles from better known developing bodies - Nintendo, Capcom, Midway, Namco etc, and there has been cases where perhaps people have overrated titles, hype and an intensive buildup to a games' release and all developers, even Nintendo, aren't perfect and yes, there have been improvements in a majority of next generation sequels.

Nintendo out of the way other copanies will pummel the gaming population with sequels of poor quality, and will eventually be the death of the whole industry..

No. I think yes, Nintendo provide a considerble input to the industry, but do not hold it up - other developing bodies will continue to release some quality games if Nintendo fades into the background. Video Games - boring? Depends, some titles have become stale after a while, especially some of the more long running mediocre sequels, but others have changed direction and the majority of responses have been positive.

As I said in the other thread - To put it simply - you either enjoy certain games or you don't same with Nintendo - you like their products or you don't. Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

True, and although i'm going against my own comments a bit with the whole fanboy thing, and then saying that without them the whole industry will die out. It's just I can't seem to think of many other companies that have been particularly original recently, I can think of plenty that make great games, but there usually sequels etc, that are fun as hell, but not innovative. But please, I try to have an open mind on the subject, so if you can think of any innovative ideas form other companies, please enlighten me Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Dude when making a point you don't need to apologise! It's all good!

You've made about 10 points so heres my replies:

Ocarina of Time-Is that the only AAA title out there becaase eveyone was unified in the decision it was one hell of a game. Think about it: Halo, people argue over whther its AAA or not including me, GTA: Clearly a good game but still way to much arugement to make it AAA. The only reason AAA games are so few are simply because the Console wars are way to fired up these days, compared to what it used to be like.

Sequels-They will always be around so stop complaining. Best thing to do is get over it and just accept it. They will have to make a decent sequel sometime, remember.

I personally am not bored of video games. How can I be? New games are always coming out, innovation always follows. Ninty isn't dragging the industry into the future, although sometimes I may make out they are. But the big names in the industry arent exactly innovative giants. The future isnt going to the same as now, so stop looking into the future and play some fuckin video games and have some fun!

Dude when making a point you don't need to apologise! It's all good!

Thanks Smilie

Sequels-They will always be around so stop complaining. Best thing to do is get over it and just accept it. They will have to make a decent sequel sometime, remember.

Sorry if it sounded like I was complaining, I wasn't trying too, in my experience are often the best games around, just came out wrong I guess

The future isnt going to the same as now, so stop looking into the future and play some fuckin video games and have some fun!

Dam straight, that's what it's all about after all. It's just I was in a ranting mood (happens to all of us form time to time), but guess what i'll be doing to calm down after that. PLAYING VIDEO GAMES OF COURSE Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Its kewl to long as you don't do it to much, but yes sequels are a bit of a pain, but you get used to em as they seem to fill every industry. *cough* movies *cough*

I think the industry is totally saturated. We have games like GTA ruling the whole thing, and because of it Nintendo will HAVE to change. No I don't mean lets have Prozzi Karts like BMX XXX but I do mean a bit of a more realistic aproach instead of opting for the old lets make it cutesty and wack on a couple new characters. That is exactly the wrong attitude.

In my opinion and thats all it is, nobody needs to shoot me, but I think that gaming is still to have its day. I am slightly confused with Nintendo because they have always been a symbol of innovation and originality but this is as each day passes proving to be just as untrue as claiming GTA 3 is the best game ever.
My examples? Well, lets take Donkey Konga. I mean, who in the hell in the normal casual gamer filled market will buy it? Innovation? No, Pure Stupidity? Yes. I know I won't be and I have put up with a lot of crap from Nintendo including the Wind Waker, a game which I now look back at as a poor mans Ocarina of Time which is exactly the thing that it shouldn't be. Innovation, no, they just wacked on a cel shading style and made the game shorter and worse.
Of course, Nintendo still have it in them, but they use it in the wrong areas, though there are the few good games that look very interesting such as Geist, 1080' Avalance and more. If you look elsewhere though, you find lots of quality games, Metroid Prime, in my opinion one of the best games of this console generation along with F Zero and others.

Gaming will have its day when it turns virtual reality though this will cause many a problem normal gaming never had to dream of facing.

To sum up, somewhat, I'd just say that Nintendo aren't losing their unique skill they're just having a bit of a bad patch.

Gaming will have its day when it turns virtual reality

Don't get me started on Virtual Reality, that's my idea of the future Smilie

To sum up, somewhat, I'd just say that Nintendo aren't losing their unique skill they're just having a bit of a bad patch.

Fair enough, point well made.

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Lol, kool. What are your ideas for VR?

I think that your rant was true in basically every way. You knocked just about everything on the head.

I think that your rant was true in basically every way. You knocked just about everything on the head.

Wow, thank, much appreciated Smilie

Lol, kool. What are your ideas for VR?

LOL, please don't get me started. Maybey i'll write an article on it Smilie . for a breif idea, there will be VR arcades, where you where a suit and walk around etc. Then for the home, some good old goggles, guns with no wires etc. The downside in my home theory, is you have to install a new room or move to a bigger house to be able to use it properly Smilie Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Nah, you don't wont VR, you want a truly immersive game like Tron or something like being jacked into the Matrix.

I don't think Ninty are killing the market with sequels, its the other companies killing it off with cheap copies.

You've got 3 good 3D adventures on the N64, Banjo Kazooie, Mario and Zelda. Everyone starts to clone them and while you may get some very good titles like Jax and Daxter I & II you'll generally got a lot more crap like Blinx, Ty the Taszmanian Tiger, Sly Racoon, Zapper etc.

If you enjoy a game odds are that you'll enjoy the sequel but the odds aren't in your favour to enjoy the knock-off.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

If you enjoy a game odds are that you'll enjoy the sequel but the odds aren't in your favour to enjoy the knock-off.

Yeh there more likely to just annoy then anything else: evil: Then again that isn't always the case, occasionally developers seem to stumble across something good, but admittedly it's quite a rare achievement.

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Like Jax and Daxter and Soul Blade (it was just a knock-off of Battle Arena Toshinden).

But then you also get flukes like Tekken. Not only was it a good knock-off but it was actually better than the game it was copying (Virtua Fighter).

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

On the subject of VR, there's a great new arcade game that perhaps isn't classed as VR, but close - you hold the sword of a handle and take a first person role as a ninja - Mitsurugi - great simulation although the prospect of holding a plastic handle that bares a similar resemblence to a sexual toy is funny indeed. Smilie Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah seen that game, watching people play is very good, because they end up looking like rite twats! Smilie

They had something like that when I went to Disney World about 5 years back. It's actually quite fun and does have a VR headset.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

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