Well partially in reply to Gastrian's topic about the poor line up this christmas, i'm afraid I felt like a good old rant so here go's.
If I remember correctly EDGE magazine did an issuse on this very subject a few months ago, I never got a chance to read it unfortunately, but I would very happy if someone who did could sumarize it for me . Now to the matter in hand, Gastrain (correct me if i'm wrong please) amongst others was saying how there arent really such things as AAA titles, with the odd exceptions of Ocarina of time and the like. Well perhaps this means were judging games in all the wrong ways, maybey games like Wind Waker should have the supposed title of AAA and games like Ocarina Of Time are one off titles that perhaps deserve AAAA (or however you personally rate games).
Anyway people seem to be a bit mixed up in their opinons lately, some saying that games are getting better and better, improving all the time, many fanboys continue to think Nintendo are the only company out their who can make decent games, and that, that's all they make. Then the other half of people seem to think games are begginning to die out, sequels are now commonplace, and although that doesn't have any particular effect on there quality, it determines how people who've played originals will enjoy them. Take Soul Calibur 2 for example, people who have the original may well forget about the title due to it's similarity, but that doesn't make it a bad game. For those who never played the original it may well be the best fighter they've ever played. Which proves the point once again, that games cannot really be given a score, it's all entirely down to personal opinon. On a smilar note, in another thread, 1 person was saying how they might choose Crash racing (forgot the real name) over Mario Kart, and someone else couldn't believe this fact. Mario KArt has the reputation that means it will be treated as gold untill it's released, and even then people will probably continue to believe it's amazing, regardless of how it actually plays, this all comes back down to fanboyism I feel.
Now I realise this is rather a big rant, and your probably thinking just shut up you idiot, your just some kid what do you know? Well this may all be well and true, but i'm just trying to express my opinon on the matter (which I'm sure may be just as mixed as the people I have been reffering too). The point of the matter is, are you bored of videogames? Do you think the whole industry should just give up? Have games had their day? These questions have no simple answer, it's up to the individuals to decide, chances are people who have been with games since Ataris and such, probably will have had enough by now (or will have soon), whereas the young'uns will still be craving more. Of course in defence of the whole video games industry, there are still companies willing too take chances, and are still thinking of new ideas and are being innovative, one of which is of course Nintendo, I have said it once and I will say it again, the day Nintendo dies, so does the industry. Maybey I am wrong, I know there are other companies being innovative out there, but I just think with Nintendo out of the way other copanies will pummel the gaming population with sequels of poor quality, and will eventually be the death of the whole industry..
Apologies once more, but I just needed to get that off my chest.