Creationism Vs Evolutionism: The Great Religious Debate

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Guess I've already made this obvious, but...Atheist, evolutionism. Smilie

iCame, the Bible doesn't state the world is 5,000 years old and with regard to the six days of creation, how long are the days refered to when Earth wasn't created and the changing of day to night wasn't until after the first day.

Also how many states actually have creationism on the science curriculum?

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

Keep 'em coming! We only have 8 so far, which is not representative of C3 as a whole.

Guest 04.08.2008#179

Do you need any Creationist, Cathocli ? I could make another account, just to make it more exciting you know

No it's cool. One poll per person. Schizophrenics don't get polled for each alternate personality.

Guest 04.08.2008#181

Schizophrenics don\'t have alternate personalities, they\'re just psychotic. Might think they;re jesus or god sometimes. I knew a guy like that once, he thougt I was allright. MY cousin sucked though.

edit Or nephew, I still dont understand the idfeercene.

( Edited 04.08.2008 01:34 by Bart.... )

I\'m Catholic (religious) and believe in creationism because I find it hard to believe that every animal, plant, and color in the world was created by chance (not to mention the infinity that is outer space).

( Edited 04.08.2008 01:49 by Captain America )

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery"- Winston Churchill

Weird, I find it hard to belive that there is a life form that could think up and meticulassly desighn and create every single living thing on this planet, then be a bastard and make somthing like aids? What a cunt.

( Edited 04.08.2008 03:03 by Blade2t3 )

XBL Gamertag: James2t3
Guest 04.08.2008#184

Theres a reason for that though. Man was sinful.

Was my hamster a sinner? it got cancer and died.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3
Guest 04.08.2008#186

That was a punishment for you for keeping the supposed to be free animal locked up.

And for touching him in the wrong places. But god didn;t think much of that, he'll forgive you.

Captain America said:
I'm Catholic (religious) and believe in creationism because I find it hard to believe that every animal, plant, and color in the world was created by chance (not to mention the infinity that is outer space).

I think that's one of the reason why creationism is stupid....

How could this God have created an infinitely huge universe? And the fact that it's so infinitely large means that life is almost certain regardless of the puny chances.

Blade2t3..calm down if you really dont know why do you insult the being I love with all my heart? First of all, the reason there is sin and evil and sickness and all that bad stuff is because our ancestors chose to sin. First of all, he didnt create aids or evil. Man did, with the help of the devil. Evil is the absence of good. Hate is the abscence of love. Therefore all this bad in the world is because of the abscence of God. I dream of the day when the whole earth will love God. That day, evil and hate and sickness will disappear from the earth. Man sinned so men suffer for it. Dont you suffer when you do something bad? Unless you are a crazy heartless person, everybody does. And your hamster died because it had to. Everything has to die. There is no immunity to death and I challenge science to find one. And by the way, only humans are aware of their sins. Animals dont sin, sometimes they attack people but they do that because of instinct.

knighty said:
Captain America said:
I\'m Catholic (religious) and believe in creationism because I find it hard to believe that every animal, plant, and color in the world was created by chance (not to mention the infinity that is outer space).

I think that\'s one of the reason why creationism is stupid....

How could this God have created an infinitely huge universe? And the fact that it\'s so infinitely large means that life is almost certain regardless of the puny chances.

How could all this be created by itself? Science says there has to be a source to all this. An unmoved mover. What do yo believe that is?

EDIT: Sorry for the double post. I forgot to copy and paste.

( Edited 04.08.2008 04:07 by Demoni Rakkausenkeli )

I dream of the day when the whole earth will love God. That day, evil and hate and sickness will disappear from the earth.

What an absolutely horrid thing to say. Atheists are evil?

knighty said:
I dream of the day when the whole earth will love God. That day, evil and hate and sickness will disappear from the earth.

What an absolutely horrid thing to say. Atheists are evil?

Did I say that?

Calm down? I wasn\'t being overly agressive was I? Just having a bit of fun, try not take things so seriously.
Btw were did you hear about all that stuff, you know about god not making aids and how our ancestors chose to sin?

( Edited 04.08.2008 04:23 by Blade2t3 )

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Demoni Rakkausenkeli said:
knighty said:
I dream of the day when the whole earth will love God. That day, evil and hate and sickness will disappear from the earth.

What an absolutely horrid thing to say. Atheists are evil?

Did I say that?

By saying that when people believe in God "evil and hate and sickness will disappear from the earth" what else were you trying to say? Smilie

Guest 04.08.2008#194

To be fair, if all the problems are here because of the absence of god, why doesn't he show himself in front of everybody?

I can't imagine him being shy.

knighty said:
Demoni Rakkausenkeli said:
knighty said:
I dream of the day when the whole earth will love God. That day, evil and hate and sickness will disappear from the earth.

What an absolutely horrid thing to say. Atheists are evil?

Did I say that?

By saying that when people believe in God "evil and hate and sickness will disappear from the earth" what else were you trying to say? Smilie

First of all you misunderstood me, I couldnt write exactly what i wanted to cause Im really tired. I just came from playing football for like 2 hours. And what I was trying to say is that I believe that if everybody believed in God he would dominate evil(the devil) and in the earth there wouldnt be any evil or sickness. Like the Our Father prayer says "Thy kingdom come, thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." There are very nice atheists in the world. They have made very great contributions to mankind and i have many atheist friends. My brother himself is an atheist. So I would never offend atheists or any other religion, unless like i said, its a parody religion made to make fun of other religions.

Blade2t3 said:
Calm down? I wasn't being overly agressive was I? Just having a bit of fun, try not take things so seriously.
Btw were did you hear about all that stuff, you know about god not making aids and how our ancestors chose to sin?

Well, many of my teachers have taught me that, as well as Church leaders.

Bart.... said:
To be fair, if all the problems are here because of the absence of god, why doesn't he show himself in front of everybody?

I can't imagine him being shy.

He has, he sent his Son to preach his word and what happened? They killed him. So if he comes know dont you think it would be worse? Theres too many powerful people that hate God. Nowadays, there is satanism and many religions and people that, lets be honest, would kill God if he came. So until all this calms down, which it wont, we will destroy ourselves in the end, God wont make an appearance on earth until the end of time.

Guest 04.08.2008#197

Thats not what I meant. If we can assume he is all powerful he could appear for everyone in the sky or something for every human being in the whole world at the exact same moment.

Do that, and you'll never have to convince a human being anymore he exists.

Becoming a human then getting yourself killed, writing a book about it then going around the world for hundreds of years convincing people he appeared there is really the most retarded way I can think of of convincing people you exist, isn't it?

Well, he became a human and as a human had options. He could have betrayed God and saved his life, but didnt he inspire so many people by doing the right thing? I know he inspired me. Even though it was more than 2000 years ago. He didnt write the bible, that was done before he existed, the new testament was written after he died by disciples of his apostles and disciples of his friends. And lets say God appeared to everybody right now in the sky. Wouldnt that frighten many? That would make people go insane. I bet people that denied him for so long would kill themselves as an act of repentance, and people that hate him would kill others as an act of hatred. It would be chaotic, so the best way is to wait till the end of time, which will be brought by humans, and also he'll appear to us on our deathbed asking us if we truly love him and talking about beautiful things. Of course, when he appears to people that denied him or sinned alot in his name or something really bad, he would be upset and that person will be judged.

Guest 04.08.2008#199

My mother inspires me by doing the right thing. She doesn't claim to be the child of some god though, which gets her bonus points, although I would love her if she did too. As long as she doesn't do so in public. Smilie

Yeah, I know that guy didn't write the bible, no need to get pendantic about it. I was just going on about the really strange and retarded way of getting the world population to worship you.

I don't think it would frighten many at all, if he doesn't get all angry and full of wrath like that time with his world destruction period.

Can't wait for the end of time though.

Well, even if he doesnt frighten people, which he would.(He would frighten people that realized they have been worshiping a wrong deity or that they havent worshiped him at all, of course he wouldnt frighten them on porpuse but if I would turn my life agains some belief and find out i was wrong..i would go crazy and mad at myself.)

But yeah Smilie the end of time shall be good.

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