http://www.tatsunoko.co.jp/ Vs http://www.capcom.co.jp/tatsucap/
This game has 4 buttons, configured in this layout:
(A) = Weak Attack
(B) = Medium Attack
© = Heavy Attack
(T) = Tag [sometimes called (P) for Partner, but its the same button]
(T) = Assist
Back+(T) = Tag out
(Attack)+(T) = Baroque Activation (uses all of your red life)
QCF+(T) = Aircombo Tag (uses 1 level of meter)
(A)+(B)+© = Dash shortcut (hold Up+Forward and do this to Instant Air Dash)
(A)+(B)+© while guarding = Advance Guard (Push Block)
(A)+(B)+©+(T) = Mega Crush (A combo breaker, takes 2 levels of meter and some Yellow life)
QCD+(T) while guarding = Variable Counter (an alpha counter tag, takes one meter)Some moves:
Assist - Partner/Tag button
Switch Character - 4 + Tag
Baroque - Tag + Any Attack
If you have any red remaining in your life bar, you are able to sacrifice the rest of the red bar with an attack cancel that will power you up shortly based on the length of the bar you sacrificed.
Aerial Rave - 23 + Strong
Same concept as Marvel, but everyone\'s Aerial Rave is now performed with Down + Strong.
Variable Aerial Rave - 236 + Tag
Switches out a character during an air combo - the light glow that some people may have noticed during the Chun Li switch out portions of the promotional video were probably picking up on the Variable Aerial Raves... It uses up one bar.
Variable Combination - Tag during a Hyper Combo
Variable Counter - 412 + Tag
An Alpha-counter like assist maneuver.
Mega Crush - All 4 attack buttons
A strong attack that uses up two bars and some life...
A Japanese only release, still it\'s well worth importing if you are a fan of Capcom fighters and the original animes. I am praying it features the Samurai Pizza Cats Samurai Pizza Cats vs Strider, or Megaman!