I want a new sexy Wavebird without the chunky bottom and the bulky wireless unit thingy. Make one of those Nintendo, you dogs.
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I want a new sexy Wavebird without the chunky bottom and the bulky wireless unit thingy. Make one of those Nintendo, you dogs.
Finally got it.
Autechre - Incunabula
What a great cover.:rolleyes:
One of the albums I didn\'t even listen before ordering.
I already had \"Draft 7.30\", and that\'s a good dark, creepy in places album, so decided to order this one based on a favourable review.
First impressions are good.
( Edited 13.07.2008 11:14 by Bart.... )YOU GOT CHIBI-ROBO!!!!!!
Whole series of KH manga.
Your turning into a right squenix fan boy!
It\'s \'k. They\'re the only ones who have never done me wrong. Their constant console betrayal means their next step is unpredictable and automatically forgivable. It also promotes multiconsole gaming.
All other devs suck. ;D
( Edited 16.07.2008 19:15 by SuperLink )lol. SE ftw.
Dont forget where you got all that stuff!
How much did you pay for Chibi Robo Artmonkey?. I really want the game also but I cannot bring myself to pay �50 plus online
Bart, you have to go with Glory Box, it\'s beautiful yet tinged with sweet sadness throughout. It\'s very hard to describe what their music is like to anyone but in respect to this album Glory Box has some tracks that are truly special with a few tracks now considered classics.
The NYC recording is special also and should be heard.
( Edited 17.07.2008 10:50 by Linkyshinks )Linkyshinks said:
Glory Box, it's beautiful yet tinged with sweet sadness throughout. It's very hard to describe what their music is like to anyone but in respect to this album Glory Box has some tracks that are truly special with a few tracks now considered classics.The NYC recording is special also and should be heard.
Thanks, I'll be hearing them soon.
Found this in game brent cross for.... �7.99 i love the series so i thought i couldnt go wrong. It aint that bad either, not great but alchemy is fun. *claps hands together* *Transmute*
Claps hands together...*renkin!!*
And if the Gamecube chibirobo was anything like the DS one...then I wouldn\'t reccomend it.
And wow those white GC controllers look sexy
( Edited 17.07.2008 20:20 by iSimon )�34.99
It's been that price forever, and it's not going down. I couldn't be arsed to wait for another generation and then never find it again.
haha I whipped it up the day it launched in Japan...and I guess the first few hours were quite fun...then it got reeeally repetitive ><
All you do is water your plants...dig up weeds...water more plants...dig up more weeds...figt the evil plant eating black blobs <= always the black guys that are bad
and repeat forever...
I'd nearly got flowers through all of the park...I wonder if you complete it once the whole park is covered in flowers....or....do you have to repeat the same thing on another park? D:
I might go play it again and see if I change my opinion on the game :3
artmonkey said:
�34.99It's been that price forever, and it's not going down. I couldn't be arsed to wait for another generation and then never find it again.
I would have snapped it up instantly at that price for exactly the same reasons. I would say however that I might find it again at more than twice the cost or far more. That's happened to me in the past and it's a bitter pill. I don't like paying �30+ for GC games but with this game you just know it's going to be worth a lot of bob one day.
Three more!
From top to bottom:
Vector Lovers - Afterglow
Sufjan Stevens - Come On Feel The Illinoise
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada
Offline multiplayer is what Smash lives for, if you never played it no wonder you didn't like it
Online only matches will just make you more likely to sell it.
^ I Agree.
im tempted to get the black one!
i want a laptop for uni. Not sure if i should go for mac or normal. Ill see.
Well after I get it and play a week or so playing about I will PM with my thoughts...
.. just for you
Yay, my friend imported it for me.
Found these 2 gems at EB really cheap. I am so happy.
The Dodge Brothers album
�11 such a great band.
Superlink probably puts up things we buy together already, so I guess all I\'ve bought fairly recently is this;
Not too recent, a few weeks ago I think. Sure putting it to good use though.
*Waits for Superlink to complain about this.*