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PlayStation Vita, got it.

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Got this bunduru bundle here for £123 from Amazon Germany, pretty amazing considering their game prices can very rarely keep up with any UK retailers. Having to buy a bloody memory card made this deal a bit less sweet, but I got a 16GB one for £25, that also has a download code for Little Deviants included and for some reason was a bit cheaper than a standalone one.

Dude, I have but three words for you.

Persona. 4. Golden.


( Edited 27.04.2014 08:39 by Phoenom )

PlayStation Vita, got it.

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Went to Oxfam yesterday. Came out with this lot for a tenner.

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Nice stack of games there. How much did you get Pandora's Tower for? Didn't think that would drop to your price range.

Hope you enjoy Tales of Graces f. Story maybe not so much, but it has such a fantastic battle system that currently puts the rest of the franchise to shame.

Pandora's Tower was £10 used. Just one of those lucky one-time deals and stock that needed clearing I guess.

Always hesitant about buying Tales games for various reasons but £10 for it seems worth it, especially if the battle system is good, like you say.

Deep Breath...

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Fantastic speakers! 

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( Edited 11.05.2014 22:35 by Echoes221 )

So I signed up for this Lootcrate thing, which is like a big box full of random nerdy goodies once a month, and I got this through a little while ago.

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£1.99 from game o.o

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101
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( Edited 18.05.2014 18:00 by Marzy )

Can't believe it lads. I went and bought that new Wii add-on thing.

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Here are my recent purchases

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Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

Azuardo said:
Can't believe it lads. I went and bought that new Wii add-on thing.

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Did you import that white Pro controller?

( Edited 30.05.2014 14:01 by L )

L said:
Did you import that white Pro contoller?
Yup. Awesome price and service here for both colours. Might get a black one if and when I need it. But picked white since you can't get it in Europe. Was just over £20 total with no tracking/insurance. Risk was good. But just a couple of quid more for tracking/insurance I think. Had heard very good things about the site and wasn't disappointed. Got some Japanese newspaper wrapping too, and was packed really nicely.

Our member of the week

Mario Golf World Tour (3DS)

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Cooler Master Notepal U3 (Cooling pad for my laptop so it stops overheating Smilie)

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JXD s5800 Android Phablet/Console hybrid (a quadcore 1.3 Ghz handheld console capable of emulating from any console up to Dreamcast in terms of home consoles and anything up to PSP in terms of handhelds... while being a phablet at the same time, allowing you to call, surf over WiFi or 3G+, etc Smilie )

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Sandisk Ultra micro SDXC 64GB card

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Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
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Downloaded OoT 3DS during Nintendo's sale (still feel a bit ripped off at $27, but whatever). Really, really pleased with the work they've done. It's smooth, looks fantastic, and really controls well for the most part. I was a little worried that the 3DS version controls would come off loose and a bit awkward like the Master Collection ports on GameCube, but they've really done a good job. Of course it doesn't hurt that the game has a much smoother framerate too. Couldn't be more pleased -- it's frankly better than I remember and really feels definitive.

That's a lot to pay for a download, I paid like £12 for the physical copy a while back! Why would you pay that much for the digital copy?

I've been away travelling for a while and wanted to top up my game collection so I ended up getting;

Yoshi's Island DS
Kirby Superstar Ultra DS
Jump Ultimate Superstars
Pullblox (Pushmo)
Animal Crossing 3DS

That's a lot to pay for a download, I paid like £12 for the physical copy a while back! Why would you pay that much for the digital copy?

The physical copy is still $40 most places here in the States! I could get it used for $30ish, but that's more expensive than just downloading the game. And I've actually become quite taken with the whole digital thing these days -- likevbeing able to carry around my entire library just on the system.

Obviously I won't be able to resell, and when Nintendo inevitably screws me over and doesn't let my games transfer to a new system, I'll probably regret it. But for now it's how I'm rolling.

Jacob4000 said:

Obviously I won't be able to resell, and when Nintendo inevitably screws me over and doesn't let my games transfer to a new system, I'll probably regret it. But for now it's how I'm rolling.

To be fair, Nintendo have the best track record for forwards compatibility at the moment, compared to the PS4 and XBox One not being able to play any of their predecessor's games right now.. That's why I'm at ease with digital despite games being locked to the system.

( Edited 22.06.2014 19:20 by Phoenom )

I'm quite happy to have a tonne of physical copies, in the UK the download price tends to be more expensive than the physical copy. Mainly because the competition between our retailers and online retailers are quite high. I did get it preowned to be fair but it's in good condition.

I've been travelling around the world and was in Japan recently and their games are so cheap! im currently in Australia and games are so expensive out here. I thought we got shafted in the UK but we have it pretty good! 

Most recent game buys since last update... Already spent over £500 on games this year... lel

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Thought I'd treat myself to this and surprisingly, I haven't actually played it before.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

LKR000 said:
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Thought I'd treat myself to this and surprisingly, I haven't actually played it before.
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