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Q2 2009.
If we're lucky.
Well how many Tales games have EVER come out in EU? Being a sequel to the original Tales of Symphonia is the only hope this game has. I still doubt we'll see Tales of Innocence in the west.
I wonder if that Tales game for the 360 will be released here?
curoi said:
I wonder if that Tales game for the 360 will be released here?
I wonder if the Wii will get a "proper" Tales game? Since this is just a "Spin-off sequel"
I'd import and chip for this. ToS FTW.
(I'm being vague so I don't upset the mods)
YAY TOS2 IN US......too bad i live in australia, but i agree with the points made above, since it's a sequel to TOS i think it will be released world-wide for that simple fact
There was no doubt that DotNW would arrive to Western shores but I was hoping for some ToI news as well...
What? Nintendo Power confirmed this ages ago.
Never really liked those games... nyway one recommned? A little brief about it?
Oh god...more reason to be excited about the Wii Freeloader.