Looks great!
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Looks great!
Looks very promising! I love the art style the in gameplay has. Very unique.
Wonderful music!
This trailer makes me nosy...
Real-time fighting, awesome looks, another Sephiroth lookalike? Count me in!
It looks promising. What doesn't convince me is the battlesystem, because it looks like more an A-RPG.
And lol at the names of the characters. Maybe you didn't notice it, but Aria (=Air), Forte (=strong), Cadenza (=rate, frequency) are italian adjectives/names. Granada comes from spanish (=a type of bomb). Welt (=world) and Einsatz (= part) comes from the German.
Let me say that these names are ridicoulous for someone that doesn't understand only japanese.
The best characters in RPGs always have daft names anyway. Cloud? Ryudo? Luneth!? I rest my case.
Woah those graphics are quite impressive. The character design is a bet meh though. Music is nice too.