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were cnau get some?

A great source of Sonic music can be found at:

Its not the most frequently updated of websites but they have an excelent music section:
For those who love sonic tunes! (although there are some quite dodgie MIDI versions which are mostly best avoided).

OK, thats sonic covered - I'll be back with more...

Don't even try, no midi's there any more.
I've got a choice selection of FF Mp3s, if you want some...
One Winged Angel ultimate mix,
Dark Messenger,
Rikku's theme (yay!),
etc, etc....

Depends what type you want, if you just want MIDI files they can be found almost ANYWHERE (at least retro tunes), but if you want proper MP3 files, best try a file sharing program such as Emule Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Use the C3 jukebox! Smilie

Altho if u want more MIDIs, the best place HAS to be Smilie

For MP3's... KaZaA might provide some help Smilie

Is it me, or is it hot here?

MSNm - [email protected]

If you want really cool remixes - try - a really awesome site where anyone can submit their videogame music re-mixes - there are reviews of each remix and a bit about them, and also tips for making your own remixes. Even if you think "hmph, amature remixes - not my idea of fun - I want it to be authentic" I think you should still check it out because a lot of it is really very good.

I think the speakers on my PC are buggered so there's little point using the C3 Jukebox for me... Smilie Smilie

i dunno about official. you could try Kazaa but it's risky. every time I used a P2P program I've been virused.

gamingforce audio used to be THE place for VG MP3's but it's been down for a year now.

You can buy soundtracks at, but you'll be buying from japan.

midi's you can get anywhere, they lack loads of instruments but are geniunely small in size.

Then there are remixes from overclocked remix. Their are no official songs but some can be quite interesting. i suggest downloading more then a weapon in the panzer dragoon section or any of the Sonic songs.

VG Music is a pretty good site.

Edit: Opps... I see somone already recomended VG music. Smilie

[ Edited by Tokechan on 2003/9/24 19:16 ]

Doesn't Mir make great sigs? I am the MOCRI (master of completely random insanity).

I don't like MIDIs because it vairies on what sound-card you've got and it'll never sound quite like the original.

Oh, and another thing I remembered - you can take any Mega CD game (well, most mega CD games) and put them in a normal CD-player and listen to tracks from the game (skip past track 1 because thats the game data). Some CDs are better than others, but Sonic CD is best - it has some pretty nice tracks that you can listen to - good as background music.

Would that work with GCN's minidisks?

Doesn't Mir make great sigs? I am the MOCRI (master of completely random insanity).

Tokechan wrote:
Would that work with GCN's minidisks?

No it was just Mega CD that worked - as far as I know. It was something that Sega decided to do - the Mega CD was the first console that used CDs (1993) and they thought "hey, maybe we should make them multi-functional so people can listen to them as well". Because the sound quality on the Mega CD was significantly better than any other console before - it seamed like a good idea.

The strange thing is when you put a game (like Sonic CD) in your PC - it comes up with the names of all the tracks and "copywrite Sega" - now that was unheared of at the time. You see back then, even computers didn't come with CD drives - and no CD player had complex displays like that alowing them to display this sort of information - so why did Sega bother programming in track information? Maybe it was used by the game somehow or done to help the developers? scary.

well computers DID have cd-rom drives, they just weren't THAT mainstream, also there are PC games where you can play music off the CD, some are hidden and I've heard some really cool joke songs on some lucusarts games and stuff

the best site used to be

but then the owner died or something, which is really really inconsiderate,

kazaa-lite is probably your best bet, just make sure you know what the song/artist is.

You could listen to saturn games too. also you can play Sonic CD in a normal Cd player. Just make sure you skip track 1, and in some cases 2.

later saturn games don't work, like burning rangers.

For Sonic though you may wish to try here:

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