Throws "for every sprinkle I find in my Icecream, I shall kill you"- Stewie Griffin. at Echoes
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Throws "for every sprinkle I find in my Icecream, I shall kill you"- Stewie Griffin. at Echoes
*throws John Mackey's "Ashpalt Cocktail" at Stulaw*
Nothing can beat that song!
Throws my Afro at Keven.
*catches afro and throws it back*
I wouldn't take that from you.
Re-attatches afro. Damn, I was hoping the random encounter with a pokemon in the Fro would get you...unfortunately you where using a repel
Throws Shuriken
*Throws Mongoose Junior at Echoes*
Throws Oviraptor at Mongoose.
*throws the Sunday funnies at Stulaw*
*Throws Agents of Dread at Keven*
To celebrate my new PSP!
Throws Hagar the Horrible at PK Mongoose.
Drops a Bomb on stulaw
*Walks out unscathed*
Throws Chuck Norris at Echoes221.
*Throws at Keven
throws Epic Movie at Pk mongoose
be prepared to never laugh again
*throws Clone High at Weo*
Congrats, you just laughed more than you ever have in your entire life.
Sorry for the poor quality...
( Edited 29.05.2009 07:24 by Keven )
Throws Asian Kung fu generation at keven
Weo said:
Throws a basketball at echoes. Just a basketball.
I'm just kidding about the whole black thing....(be afraid)
This is a special box. All the condoms are signed by Magic Johnson.
throw another shuriken at Weo
*Throws at Stu*