No you don't.
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No you don't.
Dunno what Bomberman Anime you're talking about, I know there's Bomberman Jetters, but I'm not sure if there are any other Bomberman animes.
Why watch the anime when you can play the best Bomberman game to date: BOMBERMAN ACT ZERO!
Oh yeazh. Forgot about that wikid gaym. it not have crapy baibee GOODGRAFX
Mines been on the low 2000s for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaages...and i thought i posted quite a bit.
well post counts don't mean much.
( Edited on 06.11.2007 17:30 by ZeroSimon )
Except that you're getting old
Darkspine S said:Someone today thought i was 13
Except that youre getting old
well post counts don't mean much.
My mommy can beat up your mommy.
Edit: Or is it "mummy"? I don't understand how you fancy pants folk talk.
( Edited on 07.11.2007 03:54 by Ziekerz )
Highest Post Count wins thread? Good thing Mseny left then, less competition.
But if jeebs posted we'd all be doomed
I'm winning again!
No dammit! You're meant to use "'x" next! >.<
Does the word QWERTY have any meaning to you?
Nope. I'm not computer literate.
( Edited on 07.11.2007 12:00 by SuperLink )
Oh I see. Alright then, start again.