What do you think of when you think of gamers? Sad lonely 13 year olds? Or cool kids who know whats going down?
[ Edited by The Monkey God on 2003/8/16 14:04 ]
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What do you think of when you think of gamers? Sad lonely 13 year olds? Or cool kids who know whats going down?
[ Edited by The Monkey God on 2003/8/16 14:04 ]
Cool kids who know what's going down
I don't think we are a seperated group, you could call pop music fans retarded pink loving 10 year old flat chested S Club whores. Its a rash generalisation to put us in any group. Some might be 13 year old retards, others will just be normal people who like games
As I said before!
Gamers = human beings who enjoy games.
Ok calm down JB.
tempo88 wrote:
Some might be 13 year old retards
Hey! Oh wait I'm 14 thats alright then
It all depends on the games you plat and how much you play them... but I also agree with JB!
it seems alot of peple agree with JB. i suppose i had better go with the crowd like the PS2 fanboys.
'i agree with JB'
Erm, I think they agree with me, Zial, because what I said was unbiased and well, yeh the truth
Gamer = a person who likes games.
so quit with the prat attitude, Zial.
notice the roll eyes at the bottom! was joking. i only did that to have a go at PS2 fanboys. i do agree with you, just so many people said it, it reminded me of PS2 Fanboys!
Fanboys are cool!
Anyway, returning to topic - gamers like games. ta-da!
you think?
just to let you know JB that was 'sarcastic'. ok?
yeh, gamers do like games. makes sense dunnit. however, some gamers do it to go with the crowd. just because someone like games doesnt necassirily make them a gamer. and if it does, what defines the hardcore gamers, from the ones following the crowd to look cool. i like games, and like to think of myself as a hardcore gamer. but am i? i have no idea.
anyway, the topic answer is. 'games' are cool. not particulary the people who play them!
Anyway... I don't believe in fanboys or hardcore gamers. If anyone likes to sit down and play a video game, then they're a like to do so, and perhaps you could call them a gamer, a person who swims, a swimmer and so on. But these are just figurative and don't actually exist and are roles people are placed into.
So if I say, Zial, you're a dick, then it doesn't neccessarily mean that he is one, just that I'm placing him in that role.
Anyway, moving on - as I said before Zial had his nice little freak out, Gamers are people, just people - not of a certain stereotypical variety, who enjoy playing video games.
The Monkey God wrote:
Sad lonely 13 year olds?
Well just look at m... uh ohh! Er yes, I don't know.