Sounds pretty cool with the level editor and degree of customization, will keep an eye on this. love my shooters, I hope the Wii gets many in it's lifetime. [LS]
I completed IKARUGA!, I did
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Sounds pretty cool with the level editor and degree of customization, will keep an eye on this. love my shooters, I hope the Wii gets many in it's lifetime. [LS]
I completed IKARUGA!, I did
Develop your own space shooter...very nice indeed! Hopefully we'll see more content like this on Wii
Can't wait to see what Shin'en comes up with for Wii as well.
Looks sexy. I want it ^^
Whoa... Looks pretty simple yet honestly fulfilling... I'll have to give this a-look-see
The idea is great, but it looks messy. It's difficult to see enemies quickly, and in this type of game you usually need to see where the bad guy is pretty guickly.
It just looks real messy to me...might be good though.
Maybe if they made the colors stand out more?
( Edited on 27.06.2007 22:46 by TAG )
I don't really like the graphics. They're completely sterile.
jesusraz said:
Develop your own space shooter...very nice indeed! Hopefully well see more content like this on Wii Cant wait to see what Shinen comes up with for Wii as well.
Most likely a version of Nanostray, if they put some real work in the development of it could be quite good, as with any game.
The 2D scrolling shoot em has the opportunity to evolve on Wii if developers start taking new approaches to developing such games, as shown above. I would like to see more such attempts in future. This new channel announced can possibly act as a great field experimentaion for games. The Wii really does need this new channel, not just to solely provide us with new games but to also get the melting pot mixed. [LS]
Grumbler said:
I dont really like the graphics. Theyre completely sterile.
There are plenty of free shmups which look better tbh. This would look good for a free one, but not for one that costs
Not the best looking but content creation sounds excellent and is always a source of distraction, hopefully they use WiiConnect24 for sending levels.
Turns out It's a port of the free Tumiki Fighters by Kenta Cho (ABA Games). Very good apparently....for free...
I'm really crappy at Tumiki Fighters. I don't really like how stuff just basically gets tacked on to you either. But I do like the looks of the free game better. I don't think there was shading, so the shapes separated from one another better, in my opinion.
I like the graphical style! Modular style... great! I look forward to it, as I like side scrolling shooters!
You COMPLETED Ikaruga? *bows to Linkyshinks* master!
Shouldn't this be a Wii Ware title? I wouldn't buy a game like this for