"A major success? Only by Nintendo fanboys, too blind to see its shiteness."
Look at the figures for number of users. It can not be called anything other then a success.
We might want advanced features, but simple and free is what gets the big userbase.
People forget that Nintendo must be spending *absolutely shitloads* to get Nintendo DS's online free at almost every major hotspot Nintendo in the world.
I mean, the center mile of London is now effectively becomeing one massive free Cloud hotspot...
...which DS users can use for free.
Incidently, while Nintendo should certainly hurry up, dont underestimate how hard it is to get online downloads of new games.
Its not the technical stuff, its the legal shit.
Xbox Live games even when finnished takes many months for microsoft to "approve" them, and for them to be rated, lisenced, and put for download.