This game seems awesome. Every preview I've read of it so far (along with RE;UC and RE4 wii) has been very positive so far.
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This game seems awesome. Every preview I've read of it so far (along with RE;UC and RE4 wii) has been very positive so far.
This game looks fucking awsome
It does indeed. I've updated the story with some info on the game for those that have missed other reports across the Internet I'll dig up a video as well when I get chance and you'll have everything you need right here!
It's about pirates, of course I'm getting this game.
jesusraz said:
It does indeed. Ive updated the story with some info on the game for those that have missed other reports across the InternetIll dig up a video as well when I get chance and youll have everything you need right here!
Awsome Thanks Raz!
40 hours gameplay OMG if that is true im deffinetly 100% getting it!
This game looks brilliant, glad we've seen videos at last. I'm buying it for sure, anything that's like Monkey Island is a win.
As promised, there's a video of the game's tutorial stage now included so you can all see just how brilliant this looks!
The cel-shading is gorgeous, too.
I love how Chris Kohler refers to it as the love child of Monkey Island and Wario Ware...that screams 'potential best thing ever' to me!
( Edited on 14.04.2007 16:46 by Mason )
It looks like this is going to be a good (and funny) game.
( Edited on 14.04.2007 18:48 by Stupot101 )
( Edited on 15.04.2007 11:25 by Stupot101 )
Wow, this one slipped past my radar!
Looks superb, and the Monkey Island links only sweeten the deal, one for the 'the list'!
I'm surprised to say it actually LOOKS pretty good... Some of the backgrounds are a bit iffy though which is a shame, but the characters look really nice with the cell-shaded look. Monkey Island + Wario Ware sounds like a winning formula
Love the character designs. The game is looking great.
XD i want this game look so fun and it a game made for the wii XD is this the end of the ports and the start of the wii games lol
idk about that naked guy look like he doing somthing <_<
Nice graphics - hideous characters. I'm already loathing their dialogue. The game itself looks quite fun, but I thin it would be best to reserve judgement for now.
Looks great. I haven't really been interested in it so far, but that video looks awesome. Maybe one should try it when it comes out?
Looks ace!
*lol* Mason and Adam alone are 8 comments happy eacht! A reason to get the game too! It looks fantastic! Story, Character design and style! Want it!
And Guybrush Zackwood up there ("I want to be world's #1 pirate!") is funny!
Mah, won't be Monkey-Island beating, it's a family game. They wouldn't dare chuck a few dirty jokes and innuendos in there. It'll stick to conventions, whereas Monkey Island liked to take a poke at itself every once in a while...
It's looking brilliant!, a wonderfully well animated cartoon by the looks of things, that Charlie Bell looks sweet but is a total rip off of Tails when he is floating.
Wow so much polish, Capcom are proving that there will be so much more to come from Wii once developers bolster their development budgets for Wii and dedicate their top teams to titles rather than using lowly teams, thankfully the dire ports will soon be no more, the Wii is officially a success and therfore developers will be forced to respect that with adequate investment. LS
( Edited on 17.04.2007 18:42 by Linkyshinks )