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Martin said:
Online Metroid will be shit. Its meant to be a lonely adventure game.( Edited on 26.01.2007 19:46 by Martin )

I think it could be very good. If you keep the amount of players on the map down to a minimum then you can retain the lonely feeling and have the longevity to go with it.


Its becoming too much like the FPS game they were keen to distance themselves from..

Erotic_Spider said:
Excuse me but how the hell could metriod work as a multiplayer game? Hunters is not Metroid it was a crappy FPS with Samus slapped on the box, Metroid Prime 2s multiplayer was just a competition to see who could press the A button the fastest. The only way I could see Metroid having good multiplayer would be if it played something like Zelda 4 swords (but in 3D).

Yes, I agree 100%, but I worry that they'll go down the FPS route with this game as well.

Metroid games are meant to be played alone, right from the first Metroid on NES they have been about the sense of being alone deep in some alien world. There shouldn't be dialogue, there shouldn't be other characters, there certainly should not be multiplayer. For there to be multiplayer it would either have to be a bolted on extra (like MP2:E), or be a completely different type of game (like MP:H which may as well have not been a Metroid game at all).

crazylurch said:
I think it could be very good.
You think WRONG. Shooting was never the focus of the Metroid Prime game and hopefully it'll stay that way. The Multiplayer on MP2 was shite beyond belief and I hated MP:H's too

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

They've already said that MP3 is going to focus much more heavily on combat Smilie

I expected winter 2007 for Mario, but MP3 online is news to me! [/Wii]

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knighty said:
Theyve already said that MP3 is going to focus much more heavily on combat Smilie

They said it would still be similair to past prime games, so exploration, puzzles, etc (as seen in quite a few vids actually), just more action in between, which technically the storyline demands anyway. MP always ahd action, this justs adds more to it.

And online mp could be very good, so what if 1p metroid is meant to be lonely? this doesnt affect single player, its not something like co-op.

and yes, MP2 multi wasnt great, but that doesnt automatially mean this will be shit - MP2 was a decent stab at it, and actually did an ok job at keeping it.......i guess you could say metroid-y.

Dont forget how long they've had to develop this either - multi in mp2 did almost appear to be slightly more of an afterthought.

( Edited on 26.01.2007 20:57 by Amazingjanet )

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