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TAG said:
Nice vid Firefly! I think I might like that more than the original.
hahaha WHO!?!?!?
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:10 by Guest )
Stick with it, even if you have never played morrowind the secret at the end is worth watching for the mind numbing start and middle.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:10 by Guest )
I think this vid sums up humanity nicely.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:10 by Guest )
Awesome video showing the title screen of every Famicom game ever made...
Short clip so painful but funny
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:10 by Guest )
I love the Volvic adverts!!
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:10 by Guest )
All of the Geico caveman commercials back to back. I love these :-D
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:10 by Guest )
Me, with a brief look at Mario Strikers: Charged Football's online mode. :-D
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:10 by Guest )
I found this to be pretty cool:
Was one of the featured videos on youtube.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:10 by Guest )
Jack Johnson (Dead Ringers)
I love this so much - while I like Jack Johnson, this is such a great impersonation of him.
Star Wars (Dead Ringers)
Love it!
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:10 by Guest )
I've got the Star Wars video on my computer, Monkeyman! It's hilarious
"The color of my last car was uh...a little on the dark side..."
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:10 by Guest )
The coolest of the cool:
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:10 by Guest )
You are gonna love this!
This is really incredible!
EDIT: Found another video. It is the same guy but I found this was seriously insane drumming.
It is Metallica!
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:10 by Guest )
I'm not into rap and hip-hop stuff, but I found this and it's catchy. Plus, anything with Daft Punk in = win. So yeah.
Dog Attacks Shark!
Im gona think twice about painting over other peoples art... damn that kid got a beating...
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:11 by Guest )
Have to post this. My band had some time left over in our recording studio session so we recorded a vocal version of our song entitled "The Moob Song" - naturally, it's all about man boobs. Enjoy. ;-
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:11 by Guest )
This is from the 2006 film "Little Miss Sunshine". The title is misleading. It's not how it sounds. Anyway, this is the dance scene from the end of the movie.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:11 by Guest )