Goldeneye on VC would be sweet, along with Perfect Dark, but with PD0 on 360 it'll be a little tricky I reckon with what many people reckon is the better title being the N64 version.
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Goldeneye on VC would be sweet, along with Perfect Dark, but with PD0 on 360 it'll be a little tricky I reckon with what many people reckon is the better title being the N64 version.
This is promising but nothing that we have never speculated before....
I'd hate to see Goldeneye on XBLA. Really hate it. Not because its some kind of insult to 360 technology (heck, leave that to Bomberman Act Zero, eh?), but because it really was a definitive N64 title.
To be fair though, it has aged very badly. Just try going back and playing it now. It would be better on XBLA because you know they'd update it Unlike Nintendo who'd just leave it as is.
Sonys owns MGM, which owns Bond.
Microsoft owns Rare which owns GoldenEye code jointly with Nintendo.
I can see, purhapes, nintendo and microsoft reaching an agreement, but not Sony.
Perfect Dark is still more likely,imo.
"Unlike Nintendo who'd just leave it as is."
You mean like OoT and MM didnt have resolution and AA improvements on the gamecube disc?
oh, wait, they did
Oh my god they upped the resolution and added AA on a 3d engine? HOW DID THEY DO THAT!
You mean like OoT and MM didnt have resolution and AA improvements on the gamecube disc?
oh, wait, they did![]()
Online multiplayer would be garanteed on the 360, on the VC it would be unlikely.
( Edited on 29.11.2006 18:00 by Cleetus )
...unless Nintendo and Microsoft came to an agreement where the game appeared both on XBLA and Virtual Console at the same time.
I like that idea. If they agreed to allow the Rare games to be on both, everyone could enjoy them. The one which sells the best can gloat to the to other competitor.
I can see goldeneye breaking a few records on the virtual console if nintendo were to get the rights - i doubt sony will give them over though...
To be fair though, it has aged very badly. Just try going back and playing it now. It would be better on XBLA because you know they'd update it; what are you trying to say by that!? Look at OoT and MM on collectors edition - all nintendo did was up the resolution a bit but its still a classic. They're bound to spend time updating some of the best games such as these...Unlike Nintendo who'd just leave it as is.
Nintendo aren't updating any VC console games yet. And judging by all the snes mario ports on GBA, they probably never will. They probably won't even put in dual analogue. GE's control scheme is absolute shite nowadays.
But look at the potential of the machine - already nintendo are posting downloads other than games up there on the wii shop(opera browsr) - who's to say that they wont take it further? I mean, who saw the wii-mote coming before it was announced? Nintendo's Crazy, MAn AnD I LOvE 'eM
already nintendo are posting downloads other than games up there on the wii shop(opera browsr)
knighty said:
Nintendo arent updating any VC console games yet. And judging by all the snes mario ports on GBA, they probably never will. They probably wont even put in dual analogue. GEs control scheme is absolute shite nowadays.
Say what you will about it. But I change Halo's control setup to match what Goldeneye was and if you are good enough at it you can take on dual analog players no problem.
I still love and play goldeneye to this day.
But look at the potential of the machine - already nintendo are posting downloads other than games up there on the wii shop(opera browsr) - who's to say that they wont take it further? I mean, who saw the wii-mote coming before it was announced? Nintendo's Crazy, MAn AnD I LOvE 'eM
You CANNOT download the Opera browser yet.
( Edited on 29.11.2006 18:19 by Xeke )
knighty said:
Nintendo arent updating any VC console games yet. And judging by all the snes mario ports on GBA, they probably never will. They probably wont even put in dual analogue. GEs control scheme is absolute shite nowadays.
You mightened have noticed but the Wii has onlt been out in America and Canada for about 10days or so updating VC games already might seem a bit foolish, doesn't it. Whereas the 360 has been out for a year.
knighty said:
Nintendo arent updating any VC console games yet. And judging by all the snes mario ports on GBA, they probably never will. They probably wont even put in dual analogue. GEs control scheme is absolute shite nowadays.
You mightened have noticed but the Wii has onlt been out in America and Canada for about 10days or so updating VC games already might seem a bit foolish, doesn't it. Whereas the 360 has been out for a year.
GOldeneye on XBLA, i would fucking hate to see that happening.
Remember when Nintendo said they going to add some improve to the VC games "Add online play to Goldeneye your are teh kings"
As I pointed out, Nintendo have a history of doing straight ports. If they were going to change their ways they would have done it by now. Sure I'll eat my words if GE goes to VC and gets spruced up, but I'm pretty confident it won't be.
Change their ways? What the hell has all this with the ds and wii been all about then?!!?:cooldude:
Modifying old games should be outlawed..
Unless it adds something without changing the original experience, like online..
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
Then what's the point in buying them? What kind of Nintendo fan lacks an N64 and goldeneye?
To think there's a generation of Nintendo fans out there who's first console was the Gamecube...
Yeah, erm, who would do that? *sweat* hee hee *sweat*sweat*
Gamecube first console HOW STUPID!
Grumbler said:
To think theres a generation of Nintendo fans out there whos first console was the Gamecube...
Thats the magic of something called age, eh?
Grumbler said:
To think theres a generation of Nintendo fans out there whos first console was the Gamecube...
knighty said:
Then whats the point in buying them? What kind of Nintendo fan lacks an N64 and goldeneye?
Well....You don't buy them..But perhaps people have sold them on, or they actually haven't played them before, or they want a reliable copy....Online would be enough of an incentive for most..etc
I don't want my memories tainted..
Unless they offered both, old version AND updated version..
That would be awesome.
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.