Nintendo Wii News | No Wii Weather or News at Launch [news]

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In aid of a worldwide launch of said channels perhaps?

Seems a bit odd otherwise, not majorly dissapointing, though really.

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

SO basicaly, they're doing everything in their power to make getting a Wii at launch that bit less appealing.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Cleetus said:
SO basicaly, theyre doing everything in their power to make getting a Wii at launch that bit less appealing.

The innovative controller itself, downloadable games, and innovative games are worthy enough of a purchase for me. Smilie

After playing Zelda that is MORE than enough for me, like you wouldn't believe how much I need that game now.

The Wii controller just adds so much it isn't true, complete convert now - could never buy the GameCube version! Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

WTF!!!!! No fucking Opera at launch!? What bullshit!

Of course this doesn't kill anything for me but it'd VERY nice to have it at launch Smilie.

linkman26 said:
downloadable games
What games?

Yeah that's what I thought...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

linkman26 said:The innovative controller itself, downloadable games, and innovative games are worthy enough of a purchase for me. Smilie

spydarlee said:
After playing Zelda that is MORE than enough for me, like you wouldnt believe how much I need that game now.The Wii controller just adds so much it isnt true, complete convert now - could never buy the GameCube version! Smilie

Amen to that.

The Wii controller just adds so much it isn't true, complete convert now - could never buy the GameCube version!

I'm not buying a Wii for now, so stop making me jealous of that version of the game! Smilie

*runs to corner and tries to reassure self that the GC version is best*

Honestly, I find it not that ill-fated.
I'm - you know it - European, and so not that much struck by this news, but I think it's a bit sad for America.

I'll rather see everything coming to us when rights are secured (we have no confirmation who's delivering the news for the channel in Germany), when everything is working fine (they even talked about tweaking the OS of the console a bit, i.e. shorter loading times) and when it fits.
I give Nintendo time and the opportunity to turn everything into public relationary news helping them to sell this fine console.
I still have the games themselves for launch.

Sure, the whole package would mean a big impact, especially for core gamers like us, but 'only games' is still okay. And we have some virtual console titles available right from the start.

Besides: Have fun with the console when it arrives one day from now, Americans all over the two continents! *wink*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Well...if I'm really that bothered about the weather I'll look out my listen to it when I go to bed generally...and I already have the internet. So none of this is really gonna bother me. I guess they figure it's better to have everything totally sorted than just to rush it out for launch. Most people will be more than happy with playing the Games on their game console to worry about not looking up the news and weather on their console...

Jesus people moan about the slightest little detail, seriously people who buy it at launch buy it because of the new controller, or because Nintendo make it or becasue of Zelda, not for the Wii channels, future buyers might but not instant buyers.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Honestly they could announce right now that the only feature at all that will be working is straight up playing Wii games and nothing else at all would be added until March even of next year, but I would still be in line for a Wii tomorrow. Smilie


I'd rather use Google and the Opera browser anyways....

Will you be able to download these features after that date!?!?!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

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