So far I've traded in my Xbox with games, some DS games and put some DS games on ebay. That about covers the cost The Wii with Wii play, a nunchuck, and an extra game (probably Zelda)
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So far I've traded in my Xbox with games, some DS games and put some DS games on ebay. That about covers the cost The Wii with Wii play, a nunchuck, and an extra game (probably Zelda)
Oni-Ninja said:nin10do said:Please respect the fact that Wii is very-much worth gettingIts clearly not, though. I dont see whats so wrong with me suggesting that he wait until next year. He wont listen to me anyway and hell just get it regardless. I dont see the need for you to pick up on my posts and bring matters of respect into things. Im well aware that you lot want it like fat people want cake, and I respected him completely, I just offered a siggestion. There was really no need for your post.The Wii has not got enough games to warrant spending over �200 pounds. At the moment, its a terrible investment. Anyone wearing their thinking cap would agree with me. The Wii may be worth it in a years time, but now..? Nay.( Edited on 10.11.2006 05:24 by Oni )
How many games can you play at the one time? I think Zelda, Monkey Ball, Trauma Centre (if you're in America), perhaps Red Steel, Madden if you're into that kind of thing and Wii Sports (plus VC) are more than enough to be getting on with until the next batch of games hits at the start of the year.
Oh and since this thread is a "how's the Wii fund going" perhaps it'd be better to start off a "Why I'm not getting a Wii yet" thread than try and noise people up here.
Completely on Topic: my Wii fund is currently nil due to having to buy xmas presents for 22 relatives and pay for a new year holiday. I'll be getting one in the new year rather than at launch (unfortunately). That means I'll be incredibly grumpy and probably insult anyone who manages to get hold of one next month (don't even get me started on how grumpy I'll be with you Americans out there).
I've got the money, but i'm not here over December and have an exam in January. So anytime after January 24th i'll be buying one. Probably a Wii, an extra controller, Zelda (who isn't?) and Red Steel.
It's clearly not, though. I don't see what's so wrong with me suggesting that he wait until next year. He won't listen to me anyway and he'll just get it regardless. I don't see the need for you to pick up on my posts and bring matters of 'respect' into things. I'm well aware that you lot want it like fat people want cake, and I respected him completely, I just offered a siggestion. There was really no need for your post.The Wii has not got enough games to warrant spending over �200 pounds. At the moment, it's a terrible investment. Anyone wearing their thinking cap would agree with me. The Wii may be worth it in a year's time, but now..? Nay.
I wasn't questioning your respect for Thundercats, but pointing out the fact may people here want a Wii at launch and posting in a topic full of people wanting one, saying it's not worth it, is very unproductive. Indeed there was really no need for your post, when you put it that way.
Besides in a year it'll only be thirty pounds cheaper, or so, now is as wise an investment time as any if you want the system and fancy some of the launch games.
Anyway, back to topic, might go and shove my cash on the Wii gift card at Game. It's a scam to make interest of our cash, but it's a convinient scam the buggers
I had the money, put on a deposit, got an extra
Oni-Ninja said:nin10do said:Please respect the fact that Wii is very-much worth gettingIts clearly not, though. I dont see whats so wrong with me suggesting that he wait until next year. He wont listen to me anyway and hell just get it regardless. I dont see the need for you to pick up on my posts and bring matters of respect into things. Im well aware that you lot want it like fat people want cake, and I respected him completely, I just offered a siggestion. There was really no need for your post.The Wii has not got enough games to warrant spending over �200 pounds. At the moment, its a terrible investment. Anyone wearing their thinking cap would agree with me. The Wii may be worth it in a years time, but now..? Nay.( Edited on 10.11.2006 05:24 by Oni )
Seriously mate respect other people choices all i ever here you talk about is how good the 360 is and how much you hate Nintendo launch line-up and for porting Zelda.
Just wise up the 360 had a terrible launch Perfect Dark was terrible so was Kameo. the only worth while 360 game is Oblivion. I personally think the 360 is well bollocks just i don't go around telling people not to buy.
As for my Wii funds, they have been swiped clean, 2 formals has just completley murdered my funds.
Was planning to get;
Coming in a lot of money after I come back from holidays, all my family friends wil be giving me money (or westfeild gift vouchers, which are just as good) due to me graduating high school. My sister got about $700 worth last year, so hopefully I will get just as much. Even if I don't get squat, I still have +$5000 in my spending account.
Z said:
Coming in a lot of money after I come back from holidays, all my family friends wil be giving me money (or westfeild gift vouchers, which are just as good) due to me graduating high school. My sister got about $700 worth last year, so hopefully I will get just as much. Even if I dont get squat, I still have +$5000 in my spending account.
And that is why we need a revolution people!!!
Only joking. Well done you. Enjoy spending your cash on a Wii!
*bitter, jealous grumble*
Z said:
Coming in a lot of money after I come back from holidays, all my family friends wil be giving me money (or westfeild gift vouchers, which are just as good) due to me graduating high school. My sister got about $700 worth last year, so hopefully I will get just as much. Even if I dont get squat, I still have +$5000 in my spending account.
Bloody rich *mumbles* I hate them the self *mumbles*...anyway...lucky you! lol, at least you'll be spending the money on something good...
I folded and put
I've got
Well im gettin a lil over 180 quid for a psp and ps2 without games. With im guessing bout 240, so im pretty much sorted. For the moment its gona be:
Wii +
Red Steel (or Zelda, i really dunno)
I have
My debit card is going to be seriously hurting. I'll have spent around
My arm and leg, the souls of a thousand children, and the blood of the innocent, and an eternity in hell, all paid in full to one Beelzebub, Satan. Oh, and 50 bucks.
He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.
I will sell my seamen for any women that want it?
Shiny? Sheena? Sue? Krystal? Any other girls?
Hey Oni,Grumbler, Knighty,Blade, Fraz?
You guys all like my seaman, go on! You know you want too!