because why not call it NTSC...
Some games do, Gradius V does.
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because why not call it NTSC...
shiptoncraig said:
After good press on here, I bought Metal Arms Glitch In The System yesterday for
Well, this topic was revived and I made the post back in 2006. Even so, since then I've completed it through once and now attempting Nuts Of Steel difficulty. Very, very difficult now because the enemies sap yuour health with a couple of shots.
Definately an underrated gem of last generation, it's like a solid combinaton of Battalion Wars/Ratchet & Clank.
Massive sale on Play-Asia - PS3, Wii, 360, DS, Gamecube, PS1, PS2, PSP, GBA games and miscellaneous merchandise. Obviously most games will be in Japanese, but if you think you can handle that...
Dig around a bit and there's more than listed there. I've just ordered (all Japanese versions)...
- Pro Evo 6, DS
- Starfox Command, DS
- Viewtiful Joe 2, GC
- Giftpia, GC
- Legend Of Starfy 2, GBA
Mason said:
Ive just ordered (all Japanese versions)...- Pro Evo 6, DS- Starfox Command, DS- Viewtiful Joe 2, GC- Giftpia, GC- Legend Of Starfy 2, GBAFor
I might get Giftpia if it's still there in a week's time.
how can you play them.. you dont understand Japanese do yo?
Nope, don't have a clue. However, I have a spare memory card that I can dump Japanese saves on to avoid formatting my English saves, and I loved Skip's other game Chibi Robo. I'm willing to part with a tenner to mess about with it, even though the only guides online to it are pretty short. Giftpia was the most expensive out of my games. Starfox cost 7 quid or so, Pro Evo a fiver - bargains since they're both 30 quid in shops here, which I'd never pay for them, but for 5 - 7 quid, sign me up.
Good price for Okami there Grumbler. Got mine ordered from Gameplay for
Check out HMV for some excellent prices (ie. Okami and God Hand for
Well I'm looking for a cheap copy of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007 for the Wii.
Could anyone maybe help me out on give me a few links maybe on where I can get this game for a little cheaper than the RRP please.
Bootsale today!
Rome Total War
Tekken 5 for
Got NiGHTS, Christmas NiGHTS and the Saturn analogue controller for
My analogue got all horrid, I tried to fix it but now I can't work out how to put it back together. Still works as a good digital pad though and so no great loss, I just need a new analogue.
I got Exhumed for Saturn off ebay for a couple of quid.
Twilight Princess
Was in GameStation the other day, and they were flogging retro games three at a time for a quid. Bargain! This was all cartridge games. Stuff like PSone and Dreamcast was still like, five quid and stuff.
Oni-Ninja said:
Was in GameStation the other day, and they were flogging retro games three at a time for a quid. Bargain! This was all cartridge games. Stuff like PSone and Dreamcast was still like, five quid and stuff.
I'll have to check this out, that sounds awesome. Gamestation Manchester's a bit wank though, and I'm not in Lancaster again for a bit...
Yeah, it might just be my local branch, though. Also, Gamestation have worried me lately. I see less and less retro stuff. Are they phasing their retro section out? I bloody hope not.
Games in Australia are so fucken expensive compared other countries...the Australia dollar is like 80 cents American, yet we pay twice what they do. But EB is having a two for $50 sale, FEAR is included in there.
yeah but the two for 50 bucks(au) are usually crap sucks....the 3 for $55(au) (all pre-owned) were pretty damn good...
Ummm, hehe i baught 3 sets of bongos from toys-r-us for 20 bucks each, but all came without the game (i already have Donkey-konga).
Only problme is now...i have to buy jungle beat by itself..which is kinda hard to find!
Oni-Ninja said:
Yeah, it might just be my local branch, though. Also, Gamestation have worried me lately. I see less and less retro stuff. Are they phasing their retro section out? I bloody hope not.
I honestly think they've been trying to phase out retro things for a while. They shove it all in the window in Manchester, I presume in a bid to get rid of it, and I've seen the sections diminish from a reasonable portion of a wall to a small section in the corner or even a bloody basket in quite a few shops. It's sad.
Oni-Ninja said:Yeah they started doing that ages ago in my local Gamestation, presumably to get rid of them before the Virtual Console appeared. Then it turned out it was shit and they didn't need to, but all the stuff there was crap anyway...
Was in GameStation the other day, and they were flogging retro games three at a time for a quid. Bargain! This was all cartridge games. Stuff like PSone and Dreamcast was still like, five quid and stuff.
I ordered Portrait of Ruin for