Nintendo Media | Final Fantasy V TV Spot [news]

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They made this, ive still got my fingers crossed that they make a Chrono Trigger version on DS or GBA.

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

Ptolemy said:
They made this, ive still got my fingers crossed that they make a Chrono Trigger version on DS or GBA.


Or even better, a 3D remake. Bonerific!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I hope they say some terrific audio-buzzwords, because the spot itself is pretty much... boring. *lol*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Ptolemy said:
They made this, ive still got my fingers crossed that they make a Chrono Trigger version on DS or GBA.

Yeah chrono trigger on DS and then put Chrono Cross onto the Wii. That would make a lot of dreams come true! Smilie


Ive followed allot of fan chrono trigger remakes, always hopeing. And some pretty impressive re-makes have been shut down, including a 3d one one but to no resolve, all sent Cease and Desist letters from SquareEnix, its just so sad :'(

But ive always got my fingers crossed that there will be a re-make someday.They've done ff3 and I think chrono trigger was somewhere around that era.

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

Ptolemy said:
Ive followed allot of fan chrono trigger remakes, always hopeing. And some pretty impressive re-makes have been shut down, including a 3d one one but to no resolve, all sent Cease and Desist letters from SquareEnix, its just so sad SmilieBut ive always got my fingers crossed that there will be a re-make someday.Theyve done ff3 and I think chrono trigger was somewhere around that era.
Is your liking for Chrono Trigger the reason you have a Chrono Crusade avi? Smilie

Are they actually related in any way? I don't think they are.... Oh well Smilie

Anywhoo, I'm really looking forward to FFV & VI, hopefully they'll sell well in Japan at least, & I'm sure they could do well if they were promoted alongside FFIII in the West, it could be a long wait, but I think it'd be worth it for the sales Smilie

Means more FF on DS & Wii, & generally more Square games in the west! Smilie

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wow.....thats a weird spot

The advert is about a woman having an orgasm in the car while playing ff5?

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

So, a TV advert is enough to be front-page news? A japanese TV ad, at that? I'm not complaining, I just...

I hope the advert in England is similar. I'm expecting



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