Nintendo Media | Final Fantasy III DS Screens (English) [news]

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Wow. This looks absolutely sweet, can't wait to pick this up!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

That does look good. I just can't work out how SquareEnix can create so many quality titles (not just for the DS) and still have time to go back and remaster the old ones!

Brawl FC 2921-85414771

DogmanSp said:
That does look good. I just cant work out how SquareEnix can create so many quality titles (not just for the DS) and still have time to go back and remaster the old ones!

Because Square Rokkks Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Hmmm. This does look like it could be an interesting game.

Although graphics aren't the main focus, it's games like this that show the true power and potential of the DS.

Ah long live Squenix! I love them so. Can't wait for this. Smilie


Looks fantastic...allthough I think tales looks slightly (only slightly) better) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Gorgeous shots, the best that I've seen of the game. I'm very impressed by the texturing which is a challenge to do with the DS. The shots are a bit small though. Smilie

This game looks so cool.
But if the attack system is similar to pokemon then i dont want it.

Excessive pokemon playing has put me off that sort of game.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

quite glad Square & Nintendo are friends again.

Just waiting for November for my US copy... Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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DogmanSp said:
That does look good. I just cant work out how SquareEnix can create so many quality titles (not just for the DS) and still have time to go back and remaster the old ones!
Because the new ones ARE the old ones... Why am I the only one who sees it? ;_;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Is it just me or do these look cleaner?

It looks so damn cool.... Crystals eh? Originality!! Smilie

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I want that game Smilie

But here in europe the release is not set yet Smilie
I think i'm going to import it.

In every gamers heart you'll find Nintendo!

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