'Tadashii Nihongo DS, PSP, PS2, PS3, [Insert Sony Product Here],'
More likely.
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'Tadashii Nihongo DS, PSP, PS2, PS3, [Insert Sony Product Here],'
More likely.
Oh come on Capcom, you can think beyond the box...
"Nintendo's English training is doing good"
"Let's do something similar".
Capcom? think beyond the box? ..maybe there are unlockable costumes lol
I expected this from SEGA, KONAMI and so on but not from CAPCOM, it will sell like shit all the other non Nintendo Training titles have.
Cool! will it actually teach you to talk Japanese or is it a stupid game?. I would love to learn the langauge it's so cool.
Considering how well Rocket Company's Kanji Training 'game' is doing in the chart at the moment, it's no wonder Capcom wants a slice of the pie...
Hey, if it funds a future Phoenix Wright on Wii you certainly won't be complaining, right?
jesusraz said:
Considering how well Rocket Companys Kanji Training game is doing in the chart at the moment, its no wonder Capcom wants a slice of the pie...Hey, if it funds a future Phoenix Wright on Wii you certainly wont be complaining, right?