Nintendo News | Reggie Prefers Wiimotes to Bongos [news]

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wait,nintendo released bongos?

Major Arcana,Card 0

God dammit people we want the Kong back

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

ok,yea,im missing something here

i think it has two big hairy arms and looks like an ape

and no,it aint king kong

Major Arcana,Card 0

Montablac said:
wait,nintendo released bongos?

Donkey Konga/Jungle Beat (GameCube) - was good, but only 3 games for it.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Montablac said:wait,nintendo released bongos?
Donkey Konga/Jungle Beat (GameCube) - was good, but only 3 games for it.

4 if your Japanese Donkey Konga 3 you silly foolSmilie

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

ah,and most of my body lights up

i get it now

Major Arcana,Card 0

you are getting the Bongos with a game (Jungle Beat?) at Mediamarkt for a small price - if you live in Germany, that is. So go get them now if you want them...

Hey, I always liked Reggie. And here he said it absolutely right! It's like the touchscreen, not like the Bongos, for heavens sake...
It's not just a gimmick. Who said that? Some joypad geeks? sponsored by Capcom? *gg*
Hey, man! That's exactly the attidtude that lost you the Pearl, Arrrhh!

Dear member of the press: Are you short on news or why have you to pun on Nintendo for their controller? It's the same company you praised into heaven at E

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Well, the Wiimote has more inputs then any controll pad.

XY screen co-ordinates = 2 analogue sticks

Angular senseing = 3 analogue sticks

Motion senseing = 3 analogue sticks (forward/backwards, up/down,left/right).

And theres the angalogue stick too :p
Which = 1 analogue stick.

So, the amount of precise controlls the wiimote offers is more then any pad before it.

The bongos, however, was just 4 buttons + mic :p

So, yes, the Wiimote is slightly more flexible, and thus less of a gimick. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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However, Id like to say the Wiimote wont be as good as *being bongos* then the bongos are Smilie

Jungle Beat rocks big-time too.

Konga, blah. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Innuendos eh? Well... I must say, my Wii certainly has a large line-up Smilie

I wonder what's happening to that Bongo racing game? I liked the look of it... All the bongo games were brilliant for me

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I wonder what's happening to that Bongo racing game?

I believe that it has been changed to the Wii along with Super Paper Mario. I wonder if the controls will be revamped. Motion sensor bongos Smilie...

( Edited on 02.10.2006 16:22 by Thundercats )

Oh, I think these Bongos are perfectly for Jungle Beat or the other two. But Reggie is right. And Wiimote is great for a lot more games than the bongos are. That's for sure.
I think I have to find other things to talk, I always say the same here. *lol*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

With the Wii getting some negative comments from a few members of the press on its potential to appear gimmicky

I just can't get my head around this whole "gimmicky" criticism. I can see why it may have been thought to be gimmicky in the early days as the usage was a mystery and nobody had experienced it, but there is no excuse now for not knowing all this.

I can't help but feel the "gimmicky" comments come from either of 2 parties:

1 - those who made assumptions about Nintendo early and have not bothered to keep up with what's been going on.

2 - those who are just determined to find something negative to say for Nintendo, and go about looking for a way to slag it off.

Previously, those who wanted to say bad things fell back on "kiddie" argument when they can't find faults. I guess we will have to get used to "gimmicky" criticism in years to come.

Hmmm. Innuendo far too great...Must restrain sick mind...

But yeah, The Wii-Mote is probably going to act in the same way DS touch screen was, and that is now considered essential.

I liked the bongo's for some reason they made my hands go all red and itchy. I wish Nintendo would just bring DK back in a proper adventure, ive been waiting since DK64.

So Reggie prefers Wiimotes to Bongos, you can sure feel the innuendo potential here! With the Wii having a fairly large loin-up for the next 6 months and beyond, it sure is positive news for the console.

Yeah, i'm sure its loins are up
Well, the Wiimote has more inputs then any controll pad.

I bet you like all those inputs, dont youSmilie

i do not see any gimmicky.......thingy........ppl are just scared for new things and wont accept them untill a time later.

im done with the gamepad after 16 years of gaming bring it on !!nintendo

Every single game? How about Super Smash Bros?

Thundercats said:
I wonder whats happening to that Bongo racing game?
I believe that it has been changed to the Wii along with Super Paper Mario. I wonder if the controls will be revamped. Motion sensor bongos Smilie...
Oh god I hope not... I don't want to PRETEND to use bongos, I want to use the real ones I already have damnit... It won't feel the same if you're not actually hitting something

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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